Chapter 99

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We have arrived at his parent's house.

Oh my gosh, his parents lives at a high-end residential area where only prominent and famous personalities live.

I feel like this is a dream. I have never entered a house that is incredibly huge. The house very modern yet classy at the same time.

His mom and dad gave me a warm greeting upon entering the house.

"Don't be nervous, we don't bite," Benjamin Stein, Charles's dad, said this with a reassuring tone.

I really can't hide my nervousness because his parents looks intimidating since they are influential personalities, especially the dad.

His dad is very handsome. He has very attractive facial structure, everything is perfect for his age. He primarily looks Dylan but Dylan has a more approachable look.

"I have never had a chance to see you in person when you both got together for the first time. Finally I got to see you!" His mother, Carol Stein, said this in a giddy manner.

His mother is so beautiful. She looks young for her age and looks bright. I can see an image of Charles from her. I can say that Charles got majority of his mother's facial structures such as having attractive eyes, tall nose, and a nice shape of lips.

"You're cute! I want to have a daughter-in-law just like you! My other daughter-in-laws are all too perfect and that's boring. You are from a humble background and that is much appreciated," his mother said this enthusiastically.

Daughter-in-law? C-cute?! I'm flattered but I can't believe she trash talked her sons' wives.

Being a daughter-in-law... means getting married to Charles! Oh gosh.

Shoo! Shoo! I think I'm not ready for that idea yet.

"The dinner is ready so let's go to the dining hall," said Benjamin.

We all went to the dining hall and expensive looking foods arr served on the table.

As we settled ourselves at the dining table, my tummy started growling upon seeing the food on the table. I started to salivate too!

Carol suddenly laughed at me and told me not to hold back and I can now dig in.

"Is Dylan and Benjamin going to make it?" Conrad asked Carol.

"Probably not. They both have scheduled surgeries today so they won't make it." Carol replied.

"Being a doctor is quite difficult. Yvette is apparently going but she's quite late, isn't she?", said Benjamin.

The siblings and the daughter-in-laws were invited to this dinner. So the two brothers will probably not come but their wives and Yvette will come but they are late.

A few minutes later, the three girls came in together and they greeted the patriarch and the matriarch.

I also greeted them and the three of them also greeted me back. The air around Ellen and Jennifer is still the same. They still probably think I still don't deserve to be involved with the Stein family because I am not on the level as them in terms of visuals, education, and social status.

The greetings the two gave me seems like it is not genuine.

"You two girls, properly greet Athena. It's unbefitting coming from you two to do that," Benjamin sternly said.

The two suddenly got stiff and they calmly apologized to Benjamin. They told an excuse that they were tired from work.

Tired from work, my ass. They just don't like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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