Chapter 17

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"So after that, did you have a boyfriend after your break up?" Lucas asked.

"I did. I had a boyfriend of two years after Conrad but now I'm single." Maria said.

"Oh really? Then how about you Conrad? Why did you break up with the girl when you were in your third year in college?" Lucas asked.

Conrad took a sip of his soda drink and his mood suddenly began to darken.

"She cheated on me. I caught her lying to me when we're supposed to have a date as I saw her holding hands with another guy I don't know. She said she was going to a high school reunion but she was actually on a date with another guy." Conrad said.

"I dumped her immediately and here I am, single at 28." His mood suddenly got bright.

"It is my first time hearing a love story like that. Both of you thought is love but it is not." I said.

"I think it is not really a love story. It's like it was accidental that we became lovers. Emotions can jump in to misunderstandings, especially when you are young." Maria

"Emotions can be pretty scary and complicated, don't you think?" Lucas said this while munching on his sushi.

"It can really mislead your thinking, just like the both of you have experienced. However, it's not all about emotions of love but other emotions can give impact in your life. Emotions is indeed complicated." Lucas added.

I felt a pinch in my heart. I can relate to what Lucas has said. I am a sensitive person so I tend to be an emotional person. I was being emotional when I tripped on the stairs because I felt sensitive when I saw Zilly and Henry whispering. With that, I got injured.

"How about you, Lucas? Got any girlfriend stories?" Maria asked.

"Nothing special and just ordinary. I've dated four girls in my life. I'm single also." Lucas said.

"Your a popular guy. I bet you have many flings in your life." Conrad jokingly said this to Lucas.

I was sudden became curious. My heart began to beat faster. Did he have many flings?

"I'm no womanizer, mind you." Lucas said this with a hint of an offended tone.

Everyone continued to eat, drink and laugh about the conversations were having. A few moments later, Conrad put me on a hot seat.

"It's your turn, Athena. Anything to share about your love life?"

I hesitated to answer him because I suddenly remembered that I was on an intense hot seat a few days back about love life. Right now, I think I should share about my love life to them because they are nice people and won't judge me.

"I haven't been a relationship before." I shyly said.

I looked into their faces and seemed they don't find it weird that I haven't been into a relationship before. I felt relieved that they didn't make fun of me.

"It's alright if you haven't had a relationship before. It's not even a priority nowadays." Lucas said.

My heart skipped a beat. Making Lucas said that made me feel it's alright to be at my own pace. Oh my god, I'm so in love with this person.

"I agree. Nowadays, people are having boyfriends and girlfriends just for the sake of being in a relationship. Who cares if you don't have a boyfriend in these times." Conrad said.

"Yeah! You should be proud that you are an image of a good girl. It's good to know someone living here in America has a soneone like you. It's quite known that Americans are quite proactive and trendy to relationships so be yourself." Maria said being judgemental, unlike my colleagues at work, except Sir Mark and Reese of course.

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