Chapter 103

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It's currently lunch break and I am in the canteen with my colleagues. I told that I am engaged to Athena.

"You're having good days lately, huh? Being engaged then you were promoted as the new VP of marketing will really make your day," said Henry.

"I can't believe our number one bachelor is getting married! Who would have guessed that polar opposites would unite!" said a female colleague.

She was suddenly elbowed by Zilly on her arm. Zilly told her that it's high time to get over the fact that I am already taken.

"I can't believe you took it so well after he announced that he is engaged to Athena," said Henry to Zilly.

Zilly flipped her hair and she confidently told everyone that she has already moved on and it is pointless to hold on to someone that only treats you as a friend and sister.

I laughed then said to them that Zilly was really hardheaded and I am relieved she has moved on from me.

"If you haven't met Athena and you have to choose a girl from our company to be your girlfriend, who will you choose?" asked by a male colleague.

I directly told them that I will not choose anyone from our company.

"Eventually, Athena and I will still be destined to meet even if she did not work here. Fate has granted me to meet with her again as we first met when I was a senior in high school so we will definitely meet at some point even if she did not work here," I added.

Everyone's eyes, except Zilly and Heathrow-Lewis, got big.

"You both met during high school?!" said Henry in shock.

I eventually told them how Athena and I first met up until when Athena started working here.

Henry suddenly teased me for acting childish in getting Athena to remember me.

I agreed with Henry but when Henry was still laughing at me, I glared at him to make him stop in making fun of me. He then immediately stopped laughing.

"So we already lost in the first place. That's why you were not interested with other ladies in the company," said the other female colleague.

The topic about my engagement with Athena is over. The topic about my promotion is now the topic.

"Your new position as the VP of marketing was surprising. I thought you will be taking over sir Randy's position," said Heathrow-Lewis.

I told them I was surprised too.

"Ahh! You are so lucky to be promoted young for a senior role!" said Henry.

Heathrow-Lewis was promoted too. She will be taking over my position next week.

My colleagues suddenly talked about Randy Grant, the cousin of our CEO.

The employee who was asked by Randy to be part of his girls is anonymous. No one knows who saw Randy and the female employee and that news just spread like wildfire.

The CEO was tolerant with his women problems up until an employee of our company was involved with his women problems.

"He should've been careful. He has freedom to have plenty of women in his night life but bringing in your nightlife personality at work is a big no-no," said Henry.

"He acts complacent probably because our CEO dotes him too much," said Zilly in a whispering tone, "well, he is a family member of this company so he thinks he can get away from anything."

Everyone agreed.

I did not like his approach earlier at me. I have a feeling I should be wary of him.

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