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Opal POV

   I run to the front of the Inn as fast as my legs will allow, thankful now that I'm wearing tennis shoes for more than just comfort. I do my best to not run into anyone, but my mind is on one thing.

   I grab the phone off of the hook, pressing the hold button to release the call. "This is Opal Lucas."

   I listen to the woman on the other side, trying to keep myself calm and not overreact.

   "Miss Lucas, this is Dr. Wagner at Memorial Hospital. I'm Mr. Lucas' oncologist. He called rescue due to difficulty breathing. I see that you're his next of kin."

   "Yes, yes I am."

   The doctor continues. "I'm going to admit him and see what's going on by running some tests. We just wanted to make you aware."

   "Of course. Thank you. I'll be there soon."

   I hang up the phone, my back facing the rest of the room.


   "I have to go Memorial," I'm trying to speak. "Pops, he uh, he had to call rescue."  Breathe in. Breathe out.

   "I'll come with you," Lily offers.

   I tell her no with a shake of my head. "You stay. They're just gonna run some tests. I'll keep you updated."

   "I don't like you going alone," she tells me. 

  'I do it all the time,' I think to myself. Now is not the time.

  "Let me come," Chris says. I hadn't even realized he was standing there.

   "You don't need to. Everything will be fine. I'll be back in a few hours. Besides you've been drinking. Go, enjoy the party."

  I've only had two sips of beer. I'll rephrase. I'm coming with you," his blue eyes suddenly coming across much more dominant that I remember them being. Gives my heart a little skip.

   I don't have time to keep arguing. "I need to go to the carriage house and get my purse and keys."

   "I've got it. Just sit down for me, okay. Breathe," Lily tells me.

   Normally I wouldn't follow her instruction, but right now my heart is racing and I'm on the verge of tears over the ache I feel in my chest.

I can hear Chris speaking, saying something to Jameson but I can't make out his words. My head starts to swim and I feel light headed.

"Head between your knees Opal," Jameson instructs me. Apparently my discomfort was evident to others. "Chris went to get his car. I'm putting the address in his phone, he'll get you there."

I start counting in my head and tapping my fingertips one at a time on my knee. It's something Pops told me to try one day when I was in the middle of a panic attack. By the time I get to thirty my heart rate is slowing back down and my head feels a little clearer. When I get to fifty I can hear Lily's voice.

"Come on, Opal. I put your purse in the car with Chris. He's pulled up right out front," she tells me.

Jameson puts his arm around me, guiding me to stand up. "I'm okay now," I assure them with a shaky breath. They still insist on guiding me to the car, Jameson on one side with Lily on my other. Chris is standing by the passenger side door, already opened and waiting for me.

"There's your purse, and I tossed a bottle of water in it too," she points to my bag sitting on the floor board in front of the passenger seat.

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