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  I spend the evening watching one friend completely place herself smack in the middle of the group over and over again, refusing to let anyone else have even an inch of spotlight.

  I watched as Opal's little light that began shining when talking about Chris, and the huge step they took this last month, effectively become snuffed out the moment Laura began pushing the subject of intimacy and then placing the topic right back onto herself with the images of engagement rings.

  Opal being Opal took a step back and kept herself reserved the rest of the time. When I realized that Laura had passed out in Opal's recliner, I took the opportunity to turn the attention back on what I, and Lily, really wanted to hear.

  "Tell us more about your trip," I urge Opal who is sitting on the other end of the couch from me. She stares down at the mug of coffee that sits between her hands. 

  "It's nothing important." Opal doesn't lift her eyes, just continues to look at the mug, her fingers tapping the sides of it.

  I lean over, placing my hand gently on her arm. "It's important to you, so it's important to us." I glance over at Lily who sits up straighter on the love seat, tucking her legs under her. "I agree with Rae. Spill it, Ope."

   "It's really nothing in the grand scheme of news tonight. I mean, you," she pauses to grab my hand, "you're pregnant! I'm so incredibly happy for you, Rae."  Opal's gaze changes to Laura who is now lightly snoring. "And Laura is expecting an engagement soon. So, in the moments that are y'alls lives, this is nothing in comparison."

  "Who is talking about comparison? You, my friend, have a life too. And if this is a big moment for you, then we want you to share it." I look over at Lily for further confirmation, as she nods her head in agreement. "Stop letting her push you out of the spotlight," Lily says sternly.

  "Hard to be pushed out when you can't even get a toe in," Opal sighs. 

  "It's who she is, Ope. Who she's always been, and sadly who she'll probably always be," Lily admits. 

  "It's fine." Both Lily and I look at her strangely. "I mean, it's not, but look at our dynamic and where each of us are in life." Opal points to Lily. "You're married now to a guy you've been with for years." She motions to me next. "You're happily married and now going to be a mommy." She said it with such a huge, genuine smile. And then her head moves to Laura. "And she's about to be engaged. Everyone is doing big things and I'm just over here telling a guy I've only known since October that I love him." She leans up to set her cup on the coffee table. 

  I scoot closer to her on the couch as Lily gets up from her spot and moves to sit beside me. I take both of her hands in mine. "It's a big deal to you, which means it's a big deal to us."

  "Rae is right. Laura just doesn't comprehend what a step this is for you, for you and Chris," Lily adds.

  I notice Opal's eyes start to well with tears, her bottom lip beginning to shake. I give her hands a  squeeze. "It's hard enough fighting against my own brain and the logic of this thing with Chris and I, but when I see all of you, each in the next step of your life, I'm reminded that I'm no where near it."

  Lily now moves to sit on the floor in front of us, her hands resting on Opal's knees. "You're a lot closer than you think, Ope. I've got a feeling about Chris. About you." Opal quietly sniffles while shaking her head, not wanting to listen to us. "You're on your way, friend. I know it."


Chris POV

  After tossing my keys on the table by the door I drop my bag to the floor, removing my holster before untucking my  uniform shirt and toeing off my boots. 

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