83. (MCU) Pietro Maximoff - Choosing Destiny

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Fandom: Marvel/MCU

Summary: Pietro has never believed in fate or soulmates or destiny...well, until he meets you...

Warnings: Mentions of death (he doesn't die tho)

Word Count: 3.5k


Pietro Maximoff didn't believe in prophecy. He didn't believe in soulmates, either, but that was another matter entirely. His entire life, he'd been making decisions. Important ones. And he wanted to believe that they mattered. That his choices determined his outcome. He didn't want his hands to be tied when it came to matters like that, to his destiny or whatever.

And yet, at twenty years old, approximately three years before his life would change forever, the fair rolled into town. Wanda wanted to go. She always wanted to go. It helped take her mind off of everything. And besides, with the fair came the psychics that would set up their stands, charging a handful of coins for a reading on your future. Your destiny. Your soulmate.

Wanda was very into it, as he knew she would be, and so, reluctantly, he handed over the money and she sat down across from the psychic, who took Wanda's hands, shivering slightly before she reached for her tarot cards and shuffled them. "I do see a soulmate in your future." The psychic told her. "He's tall. Heroic. I see a long cape billowing out behind him and there's a...strong association with the color yellow. He's very intelligent, wise. He's quiet, but he has a lot to say. He will help you through difficult times."

Wanda chatted with the psychic for a while longer before they finished her reading, and when she was done, she handed Wanda a small rose quartz stone, which she admired before tucking it into her pocket.

"Let's go get something to eat." Pietro nudged her onwards towards the food carts.

"Don't you want a reading?" Wanda asked him.

He scoffed. "I don't have a soulmate."

"I beg to differ." The psychic said softly, beckoning him closer. "Tell you what, this reading is on the house. Take a seat."

Wanda pushed him closer to the chair and he rolled his eyes, but sat down anyway. His foot bounced up and down. He was antsy, always antsy. Impatient. And on top of it all, a skeptic.

The psychic reached for his hands and he gave them to her. As soon as she made contact with his skin, she gasped.

"Oh you have a soulmate alright. She's incredibly powerful. I can feel her energy radiating just from your touch alone. You're going to meet her soon. Not right away, but definitely in the next few years. I sense...some tension. Some resistance, but inevitably, things will work out." She reached into a pouch hanging from the table and pulled out a butterfly charm. It was small and silver and made of metal and when she pressed it into his palm, it was cold to the touch. "You'll know it's her when you see a butterfly."

Pietro was disbelieving, but he nodded, tucking the charm into his pocket.

"How about that, huh?" Wanda asked as they started walking away. "You have a soulmate after all."

"We'll see..." Pietro shook his head. "I still don't buy it, though, for the record..."

"Sure." Wanda smirked, unconvinced. She'd seen the look on her brother's face she knew that look. And she knew that whether her brother liked it or not, he believed the slightest bit that there was someone out there made for him. She liked to believe it, too.


There were not many belongings Pietro had inside the walls of the Hydra facility he was transformed in. But one of them was the silver butterfly charm he had gotten at the fair that day. He always kept it with him, and he'd fought tooth and nail to be able to keep it when he'd gotten admitted.

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