Hoot Hoot

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Requested by ShelbyStroh


I sigh as I take off my sweat pants and sweatshirt. The air is cold on my uniform (that is barely a uniform) and I quickly get in the shower and then throw on some pajamas. Work doesn't allow us to be seen in our uniforms outside of the restaurant, not even to walk in or out of it. 

Something about how strongly Hooters is branded. My uniform is tight spandex-like shorts with a real tight borderline see-through tank top. Hooters wasn't too popular with younger generations recently, so to boost business they opened employment up to men as well. They succeeded in drawing in a somewhat younger crowd because it is more 'inclusive' and not so stuck in the 80s. 

After work, I always feel filthy. I have to jump into the shower before or do or see anything or anyone. Thankfully, customers aren't allowed to touch us unless they want to take a picture, something I don't bring up. That doesn't change the words that come out of their mouth and the inability I have to say anything about it. 

I did choose this job, so I guess I have to deal with it. I don't completely regret it though, it pays my bills and more. Usually, I make one hundred puls in tips, the customers are usually generous. especially if you get the right guy or girl. Most of all, it is just really tiring. After work most days I just fall over into bed. 

This weekend is going to suck. I work until three and then am going straight to Avengers Tower. I'll have to make a b-line for my room so I can change and shower quickly before I go see Tony and the others. No way I can sit through a meal with Captain America without not washing the Hooters off of me. 


The weekend rolls around quickly, but my shift seems never-ending. True to my plan, as soon as I step foot into the tower I head straight to my room. I throw off my clothes, jump in the shower, and then dress in appropriate lab attire. Hopefully Tony and I will get some quality work in before dinner. 

The rest of the night passes smoothly, Tony and I develop new tech for our suits and the rest of the Avengers. Steve makes a wonderful dinner and then we settle down for a movie. Working always makes me tired, not to mention everything else I did. 

I totally didn't fall asleep on Tony. Not at all. 


I wake up with a yawn and make my way toward the lab. Unsurprisingly Tony is already sitting at his lab spot, working on his suit. 

"Hey, Tony." 

Tony doesn't move, but I notice the slight tension in his shoulders, "H-hi, kid." 

 I titlt my head, something seems very wrong. "You good?"

Tony swivels in his chair but doesn't make eye contact with me. Something is really really wrong. "So, last night I kind of brought you to your room cause you fell asleep. I wan't snooping, I promise, but I sort of saw a Hooters uniform on the floor." 

Damn. That's not what I was expecting. 

"Oh... that." 

"Yeah... look kid, why didn't you tell me you needed money? I'm a billionaire. I don't want you to have to do that to yourself." 

"I'm not a charity case, Tony." 

"I know! But, you shouldn't have to do that, not under my watch. You shouldn't have to deal with those people and those comments. I don't want that for you." 

I sigh, it is way too early for this, "Look, I'd be lying if I said I liked it. However, it pays really well and I refuse to take your money." 

"Fine then. You are hired, you start Monday after school in lab 32 on floor five. You get paid $17 an hour, the same as other interns at the entry level. You aren't taking my money, are you?"

"I guess not," I ponder. Huh, never thought of that one before. 

"For being a genius kid, you are kind of stupid." 

"You know you love me, Mr. Stark!" 

"Hey, don't call me that! You know it makes me feel old," 

"But you are old, old man!" 

"If you don't shut up I'm firing you." 

"No, you won't cause you loooooove me. Plus, Pepper wouldn't let you. Or Natasha or Steve or Bucky or Thor or Bruce or Clint." 

"I hate you," 

"I love you too!" 

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