FFH Spoilers

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Hello, I'll update soon but I just needed to say a few things first. 

Also, this is all spoilers so yeah...

I just watched FFH for the 2nd time today and loved it just as much as the first time I watched it. 

1) I thought this movie was absolutely amazing, I loved the way that it connected to Endgame and Ironman's death but not too much where it was just a sob story about it (although I would have that too... and hate it... and cry a lot). I also liked how it connected to Civil War with the illusion tech. 

2) I really liked how they grew Peter's character arch with going from a happy go lucky kid to more of adult and I also liked how they show that Peter isn't always happy and his fears from when Peter was in the illusion and then talking to Happy on the plane (I may or may not have cried). 

3) I also liked how they developed the other characters including MJ and even Flash. I liked how they concerned MJ was about Peter and how she reacted to Peter saying he was Spider-man. I like how her cool/calm shell broke a little at times but it wasn't all right away. 

Also, she is a fucking beast. 

4) FLASH!!! Ok so, Flash isn't my favorite character BUT when Peter first put on the Edith glasses it displayed (very quickly) a message that Flash had sent and it said that his 'Mother' and 'Father' hadn't said anything to him and then again at the end at the airport when he said something about his 'Mother' being busy. When Ned, Betty, Flash, MJ, and Happy were in the vault he was talking about the 'Stupid videos' he made and if he wasn't cut off by happy I think he would have said something about how he makes them to get likes to feel cool or whatever because his parents don't pay attention to him. 

5) I was not surprised by Beck's actions because of the Mysterio from the comics and I like how they portrayed that in this movie. Although it would have made a worse movie but have been cool if he could have been good because I really liked his character and Jake Gyllenhaal, also Tom and Jakes friendship/bromance/romance is so cute and amazing. 

6) It was extremely cheesy but I loved it when MJ was like, "I like it better broken," because it was obvious symbolism to Peter and how he was trying to stay perfect and happy but is actually not always happy.

7) I like the relationship between May and Happy... it was kind of weird but cute. 

8) The only things I was a little sad about was not a ton of character development with Ned if anyone has comments about Ned in this movie please share. Don't give me wrong though I still love Ned... a lot... he is great!

9) I don't even know what to say about the revel... AHHHHHH

10) It ended the same way as Hoco cause like Aunt May found out about him and now the world is.

11) Sorry, Spideypool shippers but I thought the Spideychelle relationship was adorable!

12) I choose to ignore the last post-credit scene

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