Spider-Man's Biggest Fan

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I'm watching Endgame tomorrow!


Feel free to leave more requests! This is the last one!


The warm spring air rushes past my body and I smile. I love patrol, it makes me feel important. It makes me feel like I mean something. I look below me at all the citizens, some looking up and waving, I respond with a "Hey, everyone!" My spidey sense goes off and I look below me and ther is no danger. I hear no screams. That is strange. Very strange. But then my eyes land on a familiar boy, about my age but with darker hair. Flash. My bully. 

"SPIDER-MAN!" He yells, "I LOVE YOU!" I stop swinging from my webs and just hand there. Then I start laughing. Flash loves me... how ironic. I drop to the ground infront of Flash and his eyes widden. 

"Hello, kid," I say making sure to sound cool, like Spider-Man usually does. I smirk under my mask and try to hold in my chuckles. 

"Can you sign my shirt? OMG I love you so much! You are amazing! I-I," He paused and a small tear of happiness left his eyes, I try to stop a chuckle again, "would do anything for you! OMG!" I nod my head, not trusting myself to say anything for I would break out in laughter. I take the pen that Flash was holding out for me and quickly signed his shirt. 

"What's your name kid?" I ask as I hand him the marker back. His mouth falls open. 

"Eugene, sir, well people call me Flash. Eugene 'Flash' Harold Thompson," He rambles making me chuckle ever so slightly. Harold. Eugene Harold Thompson. That is rough. 

"Why do people call Flash?" I ask, an eyebrow raised eventhough he can't see it. 

"Becuase I'm the fastest kid in my grade," he responds cockly. I chuckle again... if only he knew. 

"Well how about we race? Down to that building?" I ask. Flash's mouth drops open and he nods excitedly. 

"EVERYBODY MOVE!" I shout to the people on the sidewalk. They part ways and then I count to three. If this was anybody but Flash I would go slow but it's not so I run as fast as I can, getting to the end a ful 30 secconds before Flash. The crowd cheers and starts chanting my name. 

"I guess your not the fastest person in school," I say. 



Ned and I walk down the hallway and Flash pushes me against a locker. I can't help but laugh. 

"What's so funny Penis?" Flash says. I roll my eyes. 

"Nothing Eugene Harold," I retort. Flash gasps in shock. 

"The only person I told about that is Spider-Man how do you know..." I look at him dead in the eye. 

"I am Spider-Man," His face drains of color but pretends to act like I'm lying. So I web him to the opposit lockers. The class gasps and crosd me so I jump to the cieling and shoot a web at Ned's back. He is suspended in the air just above the rest of my class. 

"This is so cool," Ned says astonished. Then we proceed to walk to class. 

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