Peter's Job at SI (In Catering)

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Yes, Peter Parker can honestly say he works at Stark Industries. In the labs? No. An intern? No. He works in the back halls and servers prepping, plating, and organizing food for all the events in (and sometimes outside) the building. 

So no, Peter did wear a lab coat. Instead, he wore black pants, a button-down black shirt, black shoes, a black apron, sometimes a shiny purple tie, and a real cute lunch lady hair net. So it wasn't the most prestigious job, but Peter would be lying if he said he didn't love it. He has access to events that he has no business being at and gets to people-watch a bunch of rich heroes, CEOs, and more. 

Most of the time Tony Stark isn't at the events. He usually caters for meetings that he skips, but he has bar catered to a few of his bangers. It's stressful, walking around with food on a plate, trying not to drop it. Good thing he is sticky. Every day in catering is a surprise, Peter is never told what events he'll be working on until he shows up. Sometimes he doesn't even work an event, sometimes it's purely prep for an upcoming event. 


"Bye MJ and Ned!" Peter said throwing a wave over his shoulder as he walked from the school. He works in forty-five minutes, meaning he doesn't have time to take the subway. Instead, he ducks into a dark alley after making sure he is far away from his classmates. He slips his suit on and throws his backpack over his shoulder.

Relief flooded through his body and he smiled to himself, wearing the suit always makes him feel comfortable. Safe even. During school, he didn't dare wear his suit under his clothes. Too many things could go wrong, So, after a long day slipping into the confident, carefree, witty Spider-Man was a weight off his shoulders. 

"Hey Peter," Karen greeted, her robotic voice almost excited. 

"Hi, Karen!" Peter says as he webs himself out of the alley towards SI, "No patrolling for now. I gotta get to work." 

Karen didn't say anything else, the noises of New York flooded his ears. Footsteps, angry car horns, engines, talking, crashing, screamin- oh shit. 

Peter only has about thirty minutes left before work, but he can't not help someone who needs him. "Karen? Take me to the crash!" 

"Already on it," directions appear in Peter's lenses. He could figure it out himself, the gradual increase in his spidey sense mixed with the louder screaming. It only took Peter a few minutes to get to the presumed crime. 

One woman with a long brown ponytail and a vicious smirk had her body pressed against a teenage boy. He had curly brown hair and was straining against her grip. Tears streamed out of his eyes and his shirt was ruffled. 

Peter is the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, he doesn't want to hurt people. Not even bad guys. Friendly. It's in the name. Rapists on the other hand? He isn't as friendly. Before Peter even drops down from the roof, Peter shoots a web at her back and throws her against the opposite wall of the alley. 

"No means no, bitch," the lady lets out a strangled noise and Peter drops down in front of her. She has the audacity to stand up and walk toward the vigilante. Without hesitation, Peter throws a punch, knocking her out cold, then webs her to the wall. 

A feeling of dread drops in his stomach as he hears the choked sobs of the boy behind him. Peter whips around to find the victim huddled against the wall, his head on his knees. Peter drops down in front of him. 

"Hey, hey, you are safe now. You are safe. It's Spider-Man. I'm not going to hurt you. You are safe," Peter repeats the phrases over and over again. Despite the lump in his throat and the anger at the world, the young hero tries to keep his voice level.

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