Stark-Rogers (2)

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Also don't forget to check out Arrow, if you would like a preview of the book it is on the 'Arrow' chapter and the book is a continuation of that.

This is still a request chapter by the same person.

RECAP: Tony and Steve, the Stark-Rogers, are Peter's parents but sent him to live with May. However, May died and Tony and Steve must take care of him.


The bed below me is soft and the covers are warm. It is much softer than my bed at home. The sheets are not scratchy like mine. The softness of the bed alarms me though. If I'm not at home, where am I? Where is May? Is she ok? Slowly I blink my eyes open and take in the rest of the surroundings.

On one side of the spacious room is a desk, and on the other side is a small sitting area with a couch and two chairs as well as a giant tv screen. My heart rate accelerates. What is happening? I think I'm in too nice of a location to get kidnapped. How did I get here? May?

May. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach. My bewilderment turns into understanding. An understand I wish wasn't there. May is gone.

Tony and Steve Stark-Rogers claim to be my parents. My parents are dead though. And so is May. My eyes start to sting and tears start spilling out and running down my cheeks leaving a red trail in their wake.

I hear the door open and scramble farther against the headboard as if I am trying to disappear. Tony and Steve walk into my room, worried expressions covering there faces.

"Peter?" Tony asks in a concerned voice. My heart rate picks up and my world blurs together and I can't focus on anything.

"Do you need anything?" One of them asks. Then I hear nothing besides the frantic sobs and uneven breaths coming from my mouth.


1 month later.

The house is huge. The apartment my Aunt and I shared could fit into my room at least two times, maybe more if you include the bathroom. It is very difficult to get used to, it is literally like a whole different world here. However, I do love the labs. I really haven't talked to Steve and Tony too much. And they haven't pushed too much either, which is good. They ask me some questions about what I want to eat and such, but that is really all.

I know I should start talking to them more, but I just can't. It feels like I am replacing May, it feels like if I accept Tony and Steve as my guardians I will be letting go of Aunt May, she gave me everything she could give me even though she didn't have a lot of things.

Slowly I stretch out my arms above my head and crack my back. I move the covers back and slowly put my feet on the cold floor below me. After sitting there for a while I stand up and change into normal clothes and walk out into the kitchen.

Once I am in the kitchen I see Steve and Tony making breakfast. I pull out one of the stools and sit down. Steve brings over a plate of eggs and I eat them quickly. Tony chuckles at me and Steve swats him. "Hey, Peter, I think we should talk about some things. You've been living here for a month and I think it is about time we get to know each other a little better. Plus, the Avengers really want to meet you. Don't worry though, you don't have to until you are ready though," Tony rambles slightly.

I knew this was coming, I don't respond and instead glare at the countertop. I don't want to talk about it.

"Peter, please talk to us," Steve says, I can only imagine his eyes filled with pity. Pitty I don't want, I don't need it. I bite my lip and look up at Steve and Tony. Should I tell them the truth?

"W-well... I-I feel like if I accept you as my guardians I will be forgetting about Aunt May, I feel like I will be leaving her behind," I ramble nervously, a small tear falls down my cheek. Steve and Tony exchange glances and then look back to me.

I leave the room.


I need a hug. I need one of May's hug, the way she would run her hand through my hair, occasionally kissing the top of my head. The way she would murmur into my ear after Ben died to assure me that it wasn't my fault. She always knew what to say, and I need someone to say it but I have no one to do so.

Not knowing what else to do, I slip my legs under the covers and pull the blankets up to my chin. It is only the early afternoon, but I have nothing else to do. So I just curl up and fall into a sleep.

What seems like moments later I fling up in bed, breathing heavily, tears stinging at my eyes. I need a hug. Slowly tears start to fall from my cheeks and I can't take it. I throw the blankets off of my body and sprint out into the living room. At the moment I can barely think. I can barely process what I am doing. I see two figures in the living room, Steve and Tony. Without thinking much I run into them throwing my hands around there bodies, sobbing.

"Peter..." They both whisper simultaneously.

"I-I'm sorry," I sob out. Steve and Tony both run a hand through my hair, and my sobs quiet a little bit. They both whisper soothing words into my ear making my sobs quite down even more.

"Au-Aunt May used to do that," I whisper. I feel Tony and Steve guiding me to the couch. I curl up in both of there laps ignoring the fact that I barely know them. Maybe I can accept Steve and tony as my dads, and still not let go of May.

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