Who Stole The Cookie From The Cookie Jar

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Requested by  DaKoolestPanda 

Sorry, this is also short but I was not sure how to continue it. 


Peter barged into the kitchen. He could smell the beautiful smell of fresh cookies in the oven. His mouth watered and a huge smile was plastered on his face. Bucky was standing in the kitchen taking the cookies out of the oven making the smell heavier and Peter hungry. 

Bucky froze once he saw Peter. Wanda sat in the living room watching the scene unfold, "No, Peter," Bucky said calmly setting the delicious cookies on the counter. 

"Yes, Peter," Peter said and took a step closer to the food and to Bucky. Bucky wiped his hand on the apron he was wearing and stood protectively in front of the cookies he worked hard to make. Usually, Bucky would let Peter have some... but last time it didn't end well. 

Peter pulled out his irresistible dog eyes making Bucky soften for a moment before coming back to his senses and realizing the severity of what was going on in the moment. 

"You can have one after dinner, Peter," Bucky says staring the young boy down, still standing protectively in front of the cookies. Without saying anything Peter lunged for the cookies and Bucky screamed. 

Wanda jumped to her feet and threw red magic at Peter holding him above the ground in front of the cookies and moving him off to the side so Bucky could stand up. 

"Woah! This feels so cool!" Peter exclaimed smiling slightly and looking around at the red magic around him. 

Bucky got to work quickly putting the cookies in a Tupperware and locking them into the safe so Peter would not be able to get any. 

"This is sweet man! Wanda's magic, you are amazing," Peter says giggling slightly at the feeling of the red magic around him. 

Once Bucky was done Wanda dropped the boy to the ground (gently of course) and Peter started crying from the absence of Wanda's magic. From then on whenever Peter was sad, Wanda knew what to do. 

SpiderMan Avengers One shots Dad!TonyWhere stories live. Discover now