Shaken From being Saved By Loona

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This... Loona person, or creature, was very interesting to Lincoln and he wanted to ask more questions about her. Yes, he was very intrigued that demons actually existed in reality.

Both of them were at Flip's gas station. Yes, Flip, a real cheap piece of work that the Loud Family were acquainted with enough.

"One bag of ice to help my... acquaintance' stomach, or whatever." Loona said.

"Sure, one medical bag of ice... five bucks."

"What? five fucking dollars for that piece of medical piece of ice to help out Lincoln?"

"Hey hey hey, take it easy, doll face." said Flip.

Loona, who is usually cholera and ill-tempered, did not like being called names like this one. "Doll Face?" she said slowly.

She looked like she wanted to kill him for calling her that. "Oh, I mean, madame." tbe cheap man bowed to try and look more flattering. "Forgive me if I sounded rude."

"Look, Flip. I was attacked by some muggers and one of them did a number on my stomach. Ah!" Lincoln grunted.

"oh boo hoo for you." said Flip. "Five bucks for an ice packet, price is final... unless..." he looked at Loona "you, little lady, can implant me a kiss."

"What?!" Loona said in disgust. "Not even in your fucking dreams, you stupid-" suddenly an idea struck her brain. "On second thought, I will do it."

"What?" Lincoln explained in disbelief.

The disguised Hellhound winked at him and pulled out a mousetrap.

"Oh yeah, yeah." Lincoln went along with it. "Go ahead."

Flip looked excited to get a kiss from this hot lady (or so he thought). He closed his eyes ajd smooched his lips. His breath smelt like rotting cheese.

But instead of Loona kissing him, she put the mousetrap close to Flip's mouth as soon as he was close enough.

"Waaaaaah!" Flip screamed as his lips were ensnared by the mouse trap and he began squirming on the floor like he was having a seizure.

Lincoln and Luna couldn't help but laugh at this and Flip got back up. "Now what do you say?" Loona smirked

"Ok! ok! you win." Flip said. The swollen lips made it hard for Lincoln and Loona to understand, but he manahed to add: "One dolla for vee ice vack."

"Thanks, Loona." said the white-haired boy.

"Don't mention it."

Loona promptly got the ice and Lincoln gently placed it on his tummy. "Oh yeah, that feels so much better."

"You're not gonna take your shirt off, are you?"

"No! no. that's stupid, Loona.:

"Here, loser." the female hellhound said before giving Flip his one dollar. Poor Flip was trying to soothe his now sore lips and Nacho, his raccoon companion, got some ice to help with his lips

Back to Lincoln and Loona, they walked down to the park to have a seat on the bench. "Ah!" Lincoln felt a throb where his stomach hurt.

"You okay?" said Loona

"I'm fine. I've suffered worse tackling from my sister Lynn. She's a hard-core tomboy."

"Heh, siblings." Loona said while crossing her arms. "They can be a pain in the ass."

"Tell me about it." Lincoln said. "Being with ten sisters is enough to drive you crazy. Especially if you're the only boy in the family. I mean, I love my sisters, but... I feel like I need a vacation from them sometimes."

"Well I need a vacation from my dad all the time." said Loona. "That little bitch that is supposed to be my dad - on paper, I mean, can't get off my back for one second sometimes."

"Why not just ask him to leave you alone?" Lincoln asked

"Been there, done that. Many, many times." Loona said. "I know he adopted me, but I was almost eighteen when he did. I'm a big girl and I am from enough to drink as much booze as I want." she began to sound a little angry and her true form was slowly starting to show, making Lincoln look a little intimidated.

"Uhh, Loona? You're... tail is showing." Lincoln said in a meek voice.

"Oh!" Loona realized that she was scaring the kid a little. "Sorry Lincoln." she said. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, it's ok." Lincoln said. "I'm more scared that you just killed those three men." looking around, he wanted to make sure no one else was around to hear this. "I know they were trying to kill me, and all." he looked uncomfortable. "But, the way they screamed and begged for mercy."

Loona made a small sigh and said: "Sorry you had to see that. But, they were going to kill you. I've seen guys like them before, and they won't hesitate to murder you jut because you're a poor, defenseless kid."

"Hey!" Lincoln sounded offended.

"No offense!" Loona said, realizing she could have worded it better. "Look. what i mean is: it's a dangerous world out here, especially for a kid like you."

"I know that. Next time i'll think before going near dark alleys."

"Right." Loona smirked.

"Sorry about your coffee."

"Don't worry about that. I can always get a new one."

"And what you did to Flip was really funny."

"Thanks. I take it that guy isn't very popular, Lincoln?"

"Not really, no. He is the cheapest man in all of Michigan."

"Heh, i noticed that."

"And he's kind of a freak of nature." Lincoln added. "He has more than two butt cheeks."

The hellhound couldn't help but laugh at Lincolns' remark. "What the fuck?" she said. "Feel bad for that loser right now."

"He gets karma every now and again." Lincoln pointed.

"You know what they say about karma?" asked Loona.

"What about it?"

"That karma is a bitch, Lincoln."

"Oh. You make it sound like my death is coming soon."

"No, no, no. I didn't say that." Loona said. "But, Lincoln, if that were true, I would have a scythe in my hand and a black cloak over me. And, about killing those men..." the hellhound made a sigh, and said: "I know I was... primal back there, but I am a Hellhound, a kind of demons."

"Right. I'm not judging you." Lincoln. "I just can't believe what I saw."

"I didn't say you were judging me, kid." Loona reassured. "And..." it wasn't really easy for her to say it, but, ultimately, she said to him: "I'm sorry if I traumatized you like that. But I saved you."

"I do thank you." Lincoln said. "I know it's a cruel world out here."

Suddenly, Loona's phone rang, and answered it. "Hey, what is it, Blitzo?" the hellhound said. "Ugh, Blitzo, shut the fuck up, I am doing ok. I can take care of myself." she paused again. "Yeah, yeah, I saved a kid from three muggers and I got a little sidetracked."

Lincoln looked at her.

"OK ok, I'll come back to the office. Just open the portal and I'll be right there." She hung up. "Sorry Lincoln, have to cut this short."

Suddenly, a portal to Hell opened and Loona got off the bench.

"And you can keep this between us, right?"

"My lips are sealed." said the white-haired boy. "I won't tell anyone. I promise."

Loona smiled and said: "Thanks Lincoln. "See you later i guess." she then hopped throw the portal and vanished along with her.

"She's so cool." Lincoln thought. "Will i see her again?"

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