Learning More About Barbie Wire

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He looked very reluctant about this, but Barbie Wire had a gun with her, and Lincoln did not want to get shot at all by this crazy imp bitch. So Lincoln was forced to go along with the plan Blitzo' sister has in mind. Besides. Barbie said she was going to pay him for helping her complete this job for her. "Do you think he will listen to me?"

"Oh come on, kiddo." Barbie placed her right hand on her right hip. "Many people down here know who you are. That asshole Fyuk Dong has to listen to you."

Lincoln couldn't help but snicker at that name, and was trying so hard to keep a straight face and not guffaw at such a name. Barbie Wire sighed and squeezed the top of her nose with her fingers. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't laugh."

"Nah, you are not the only one to laugh at such a fucking ridiculous name. That's why he prefers to call himself Mr. Dong so he wouldn't have to be a laughing stock."

"Alright." Lincoln sighed. "Lead the way, and i'll see what i can do to help you."

"Got it."

"And... how did you get to Earth from here?" Lincoln asked

"With the power of this baby." Barbie pointed with a smirk. It was a crystal tied to a watch on her left wrist and she added: "An Asmodean Crystal. Not only does this get me to Earth, but it helps me get a human disguise to blend in with those braindead humans."

"Hey!" Lincoln exclaimed in offense. "I'm not braindead!"

"No offense. No offense, Linc." Barbie patted his head in a rough way. As they continued walking down a few blocks, Lincoln looked at some of the... unsightly things one can find down here in Hell. One was a large crocodile-like demon punching a cat-like demon in the face repeatedly like a school bully. Another one was a small imp tasing a child with a police taser for his own personal amusement. "Are you sure that your former boss is around here?"

"Absolutely. I've been to this shithole many times before, Lincoln. I never forget a place when i see it. It's only about ten miles from here."

The white-haired boy let out a yawn.

"Oh, i'm sorry, are you getting bored shitless from all this?" asked barbie.

"No, it's midnight... I should be in bed."

"Aww, you still have a baby instinct in you?" Barbie teased.

"I'm not a baby!" Lincoln said.

"Shut up, i was just kidding with you."

After walking a good two-hundred yards, Lincoln couldn't help but ask Blitzo' sister "So, why do you hate humans so much?"

Barbie sighed before replying: "i don't hate humans. It's just that you humans are... none too bright. You guys are supposed to be the dominate species of your planet, and yet; you do some fucking stupid things."

"Well there's more to humans than meets the eye."

"Pfft, I wish i can believe that. Can you humans have wings or fly or have tails? Or be fast enough to catch an impala and then eat it?"

"No, but there are great things humans can do." Lincolns aid.

"Like i said, i wish i can believe that Lincoln. Any more questions?"

"Well, you'll probably say it's none of my business, but..." Lincoln looked to and fro as he was still walking beside Barbie "...Why do you hate Blitzo so much, Barbie?"

"Yep, definitely none of your business, kid." Barbie replied flatly. "But i can say this: that jerkoff ruined my life! I was a fucking junkie because of that loser! And i ended up in rehab because of him! Grr! that Blitzo makes me so mad i can just choke a baby to death right now." she was starting to show her anger. Poor Lincoln was becoming rightfully scared, and then, that is when a masked mugger approached on Barbie's left side with a magnum in hand.

"Alright bitch," said the mugger in an exagerratingly gruff voice that sounds like he was gargling nails. "Hand over any money and or jewelry you have, and i'll do you fast."

Barbie growled and jumped, landing on the muggers' shoulders, and she began gouging his eyes out with a knife, making him cry in pain and fall on the ground. "Not a wise move, shithead." Barbie growled. She then proceeded to literally break his neck, killing the mask brute instantly. She looked at Lincoln, who looked horrified. "What? Never seen a badass kill before?"

"I have." said Lincoln. "By Loona."

"You mean that literally bitch you were hanging out with earlier?" Barbie scoffed.

Lincoln immediately got angry hearing someone talking shit about Loona like this. "Hey! Don't talk about Loona like that! She is a great person!"

"Great at being addicted to meth, no doubt."

"Oh, and you were in rehab or being a junkie?" Lincoln retorted before he felt his shirt grabbed by Barbie's two hands, whom was glaring at him menacingly. "What did you just call me?" she said

"Nothing! Nothing! Forget what i said!" Lincoln begged. It was dead silent as Barbie looked at him dead in the eye in a menacing way, and it looked like she was about to kill him in an instant.

"Need I remind you i have a fucking gun?!" asked Barbie

"I remember! I promise i remember!"

"Hmph. Whatever." Barbie let go of the kid's shirt and dropped him on the ground, landing on his butt. "Let's just keep moving and get back what's mine."

"Right. The sooner we get his done, the sooner i can get away from you." Lincoln sneered


"And uh... sorry you had to see that. The mugging and me gouging that fucker's eyes out and eye."

"It wasn't the only killing i have seen. Loona saved me from human muggers one time."

"Heh. Must have been a real bloodbath."

"It actually was."

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