Another Angelic Performance

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This Fizzaroli demon was something out of the ordinary. He seemed like a Demon version of the Joker. And this guy knew Blitzo? Lincoln felt like he should just get the hell (no pun intended) out of there while he still can before it gets ugly.

"A human kid with a natural color of white-hair. Not something you see every day."

"this is my natural hair color, yes. And there is nothing wrong with it." He took in a small breath." Look, please don't make fun of me." Lincoln said. "And whatever problem it is with you and Blitzo, it doesn't have to be our own problem."

"No, of course not." Said Fizzaroli. "You're a fucking intriguing kid, aren't ya?"

"Because of my white hair?" Lincoln couldn't help but ask.

"No... yes." Said Fizzaroli. "But, allow me to introduce myself." He bowed himself in front of Lincoln. "I am Fizzarolli. The best clown and one of the best entertainers in all of Hell, kiddo. And what might your name be?"

"Lincoln Loud."

"Well Lincoln Loud, what brings you down here in Hell?"

"Just hanging out with my friends." Lincoln flatly said. "And if you an Blitzo are going to fight, I can just leave."

"No, we're just having a discussion, kiddo." Blitzo pointed

"yeah right. It never ends well between you two." Loona crossed her arms and rolled her eyes again.

"look, what exactly do you want?" Asked Stolas to the imp clown.

"I want to have someone fill in for the Squirters for tomorrow morning since they are breaking up." Fizzarolli said. "I need someone like Verosika Mayday or her sister."

"Well I am sorry to say this, sir." said Stolas, "but I do not know anyone who can possibly help you. Both the ladies you mentioned are having a little family business to take care of."

"Shit, shit, shit!" Said the clown in frustration. "Fuck me and my bloody hole!"

"now, now, no need for excessive vulgarity." Stolas tried to intervene.

"Well, boo-hoo for you." Said Blitzo insultingly. "You all have to be good sports. Something everyone learns one day."

"There has to he someone that can help me out."

suddenly, Lincoln got a text from Luna (his rocker sister) and he let out a gasp. "Oh yeaaaaaah!" He sang in a beautiful voice. "Me and Luna got front row seats to see Guns N' Roses!"

Fizzarolli caught sight of the kids' beautiful note from his voice and a devious smile creeped on his face. "Say, that was pretty good." He said to the kid.


"How would you like to do a little favor for me."

"Wait a minute, there is no way he is going to do the show for you!" Loona said.

"what's going on?" Asked Lincoln

"he's asking you to go to Lust ring to have you perform on place of those Succu-bitch sisters tonight." Blitzo pointed

"Just for one night." Fizzarolli said. "You got a beautiful voice, Lincoln and, I also heard about you singing in that pub many days ago."

Lincoln looked a little unsure. He then asked: "Will I get paid for it?"

"Oh absolutely. Don't you fucking worry, my man. I will make sure you are given a good compensation for your performance and voice." Said Fizz. "And don't worry, you will be just fine in the Lust Ring. After all, your cronies can come too. And... Blitzo." He sounded bitter about mentioning his ex-best friend.

"Look it's not a good idea." Loona said. "The place can be a bit shady. Especially for kids."

"You do care about him." Said Moxxie

"What?! For the last fucking time, Fatty! I don't give a flying fuck about this white-haired twerp."

"Sure you don't." Millie looked smug. Over to Lincoln, she added, "don't listen to her, sweetie. She does care about you."

"Come on. I'll pay you a thousand dollars after the show." Fizz said. "Well... let me talk to my family about it and get their approval. I'm still a kid you know."

"Ah. Right. You still don't adult supervision yet. But let me know before tonight, ok?"

"Got it."

"Lincoln, are you sure about this?" Asked Tex. "Loona's right. The Lust ring can be a shady kind of place."

"I'm positive." Lincoln said. "After all, I have you guys to protect me just in case."

"Fair enough." Said Moxxie

It took a lot of persuasion, and it was a school night, but Lincoln was the "Master of Convincing" after all, and he knew how to talk his parents around. Plus; if he has a big family like that, then the budget they have a very very limited.

Who can possibly turn down one grand as a reward anyway?

Lincoln was in a usual getup and he was amazed to see what the Lust Ring was like. It was almost like a bustling metropolis, but with a lot of lusty things like strip clubs galore. Fizzarolli was happy that Lincoln was on board with this and the stage was already set for Lincoln to try.

He already knew what song he wanted to do, and Fizzarolli could hardly wait. The demon gang was sitting up front and Loona would make sure Lincoln wouldn't get hurt... or snatched by a creepy stranger.

Vortex would also help make sure Lincoln is safe since he is a terrifying figure to anyone who would try to hurt his friends.

The lights went out, and the spotlight was set. "Helloooooo everybody!" Fizz called out. "As you all know, Verosika and Katie Mayday had to cancel their show because of a family emergency." The sound of heckling was heard amongst the crowd. "Hey! Hey! Shut the fuck up!" Fizzarolli said. "Just shut the fuck up, and listen, shitheads!" Everyone was silent again. "That's better. Now, I do have a really good substitute to help you be entertained tonight. You might have seen his video, but he has a beautiful singing voice. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you... Lincoln Loud!"

There wasn't any applause and the crowd was silent. On the other hand, no one was heckling the human boy either, which was a good thing. "Hello." Lincoln looked a little uncomfortable. "I know I am not Katie or Verosika, but I do have a beautiful voice. Music."

In My Dreams by Dokken plays

"In my dreams, it's still the same." Lincoln sang. "Your love is strong and still remains!" Like the patrons from the club before, the patrons here were amazed at the kids' beautiful singing voice.

The guitar was heavy and so was the drums pounding with a real 80s sound to it.

Everyone was slowly starting to like it, even Fizz. Yes, Lincoln's singing couldn't get any better than this. And despite usually being a little monotonous, Loona herself was enjoying it like in the club before.

"night after night, don't know what it means. In my dreams." Lincoln continued singing.

"You know, dad," said Octavia. "It's a good thing mum's not here! She would hate it."

Stolas let out a cackling laugh. "I know. I can imagine the look on her face when when she sees what she calls 'noise pollution'! Ha!"

"Why doesn't Lincoln join a band for a living?" Asked Moxxie. "He has the potential. I mean, look at him doing so well."

"Yeah. He can ask his sister to start a band with him." Millie agreed.

"I kinda wonder if he would do a duet with either Katie or Verosika." Said Tex. "That would be so awesome."

"No it wouldn't!" Blitzo said. "Lincoln should not sing with that cunt Verosika. With Katie, totally, but with Verosika? No fucking way he should sing with that booze addicted cunt!"

"Oh, she can't be addicted to alcohol, but it's ok with you?" Loona looked unamused.

"Uh, yeah! Because I'm handsome as fuck. No lady can resist me and my handsome red whole."

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