Little Job For Katie

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The package to his long-distance friend was sent through the mailbox and Lincoln was about to go with Loona for a dougnut when he suddenly remembered something. "Wait!" He blurted. "I promised Katie I would meet her after school to do a little job for her."

"She's not going to make you kill someone, is she?" Clyde looked worried

"No! Of course not." Lincoln said. "She said there will be no killing whatsoever. It's some kind of job she wants me to do for some extra money to help her out." Loona was thinking this is some... shady business going on between Katie and her human friend.

"I am not trying to be a buzzkill, but," Loona began speaking. "What if she is lying to you or tricking you? Many demons have been known to... trick and lie to mortals. Been like that since ancient times according to the Bible."

"Even if most of it is just religious propaganda?"

"Oh yeah, a large chunk of that 'holy-than-thouh shit' just propaganda, but one thing it got right is: many demons can be tricky."

"Like genies?" Clyde couldn't help but ask.

"Oh ho, even more powerful than some weird creature trapped in a lamp." Loona pointed.

"What are you saying?" Asked Lincoln

"I'm saying that Katie is probably lying to you."

"Well Verosika paid me to do a prank on Blitzo? And no one got killed."

"True. But still, I want to make sure you're not being scammed."

"But Katie likes me and she promised i will not kill anyone"

Silent for a moment, Loona finally said: "well ok, but I'm coming with you just in case."

"You're a fan of her music, aren't you?" Clyde asked

"Oh yeah. I am a fucking die-hard fan of Katie Mayday. But I am a little concerned about this job, that's all."

she recalculated the grimwoir's coordinates to Katie's place, and there she was, waiting for the white-haired boy. "Ah, Lincoln. There you are, sweetie." She smiled

"I almost forgot about the kind of job you were going to give me." Lincoln looked sheepish."

"Aw don't worry about it, honey. So are you ready for the job?"

"As long as no killing is involved, yes." The boy nodded his head. "Can Loona and Clyde come with me?"

"Of course. The more the merrier." The three followed Katie into her badass mansion and stopped in her recording booth with a couple of hellhound security guards. "So Lincoln, i want to record a song with you."

"Oh... that's it?"

"Yep. I think your voice is worthy enough to sing in a duet with my own voice." Katie smiled. "And I already came up with the title. It will be called "Unstoppable."

"Ooh. I like the sound of that." said Lincoln with excitement.

"I knew you would. And meet my technical wizard, Kyle Kickass."

"A pleasure." Said the demon in a Brooklyn voice, shaking Lincoln's hand. This demon smelled a little bit like booze and cigarettes combined. Not a very pleasant smell.

"So here are the lyrics, and don't worry, you don't have to do the cuss parts so your parents won't kill you or have a heart attack. Meantime, can I offer you three anything like a drink?"

"Sire I'll take a bourbon." Loona said

"I can't drink alcohol." Clyde said. "I'm still a kid."

"Riiiiiight." The succubus realized. "I have some soda you can drink instead, honey."

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