Trusting A Succubus Or Not

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Dairyland was a blast for Lincoln and Loona (though mostly Lincoln since Loona still looked indifferent to this day out with his new human friend).

The rides were a blast and Loona took some pictures of the place on her phone. Not because she liked the place so much, but so she can think of a place worse than Loo Loo Land, and to her; this place seemed worse to her.

Lincoln got himself some cheese curds for himself and Loona got herself a vanilla milkshake from the concession. About an hour and a half passed and the two saw pretty much what they needed to see, and Loona was glad to be out of this place. She doesn't really like being stuck in a crowd, and she was sure as hell (no pun intended) a people person. She got a text message from Tex and she smiled at her text that her first friend sent her.

It spelled out: "hey Loona, doing alright? Verosika can't stop talking about Lincoln. It's like she really likes him."

Loona typed down: "well you can't really blame that bitch. I don't know, but Lincoln is a cool kid, and he seems like a kind of guy I would hang out with it there were only me and another person in existence."

"Yeah, I wouldn't blame you. I know I just met the kid, but he's cool. Maybe he can hang out with me some time."

"That would be awesome. Yeah, you and him bond together and hang out?"

"Totally. Having guy time with Lincoln, going to an arcade and doing guy stuff. And I'm a concert person, I can take him to see his favorite band of all time." Vortex texted back to Loona.

"Sure, so do you know when another party is happening?" Loona asked

"Ah, Eclipse is having Hellhound Fever, and has to stay in bed for a week or two."

"Ooh, tough luck for her."

"Well, I gotta take care of her now. Talk to you soon, Loona."

"See you." Loona texted back to him.

"You seem quiet, Loona." Said Lincoln. "You ok?"

"Oh yeah, yeah, just texting Vortex." Loona said. "Nothing to worry about."

"Ah. So about Verosika, Blitzo lied to me and should I trust her?"

"Eh, I would still stay away from her if I were you." Said Loona. "I don't want her to do funny business with you underage."

"Funny business?"

"You know." Loona said.

"Well she seemed nice to me."

"Blitzo was just trying to protect you. We've had some bad history with her not a while ago."

"What kind of history?"

"We made a bet with her and we fucked her up so bad by getting her in trouble with the police on spring break."

"Ooh." Lincoln made an uneasy look.

"Yeah, and you don't want to know how she got out of jail early."

"So what do you want to do now?"

"I honestly don't care. Somewhere I won't get bored at."

"You didn't like Dairyland?" Asked Lincoln. "I know it's not Disneyland or Disneyworld, but come on."

"It was alright." Loona sighed. "But I prefer going to a taxidermy museum or something."


"So I can imagine the animals suffering before getting stuffed."

Young Lincoln made an uneasy look, but Loona was a hellhound, so it wouldn't surprise him that she would be sadistic like this. "Well, I don't know if there are any taxidermy museums around here, but there is the Royal Woods Museum of Medical oddities. It has a three-headed goat."

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