Beautiful Singing Voice

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In the bunker, Lincoln was helping make chicken soup for his friends in their hazmat suits. "We are sure as heck glad yer here, Lincoln." said Liam. "It's as crazy as a cat covered in cactus spines all over."

"You guys sounded overwhelmed." Lincoln pointed.

"Ugh, we were." Stella groaned. "It almost looked like a zombie pandemic was erupting out of nowhere." She then put carrots in the chicken soup. "We know you were doing something important, but your family walking to us like they are zombies? No offense Lincoln, but it's a little creepy."

"It's ok, Stella." Lincoln remarked, putting in the tomato pieces into the soup. "Not a lot of people can handle my family." Then he put in the herbs I got the pot. "At least they are not the Fox quintuplets... maybe except for Lynn."

"Oh no." said Zach. "That family's a madhouse. And those kids are pure torture in human form."

"At least your parents are not like that." said Rusty.

"Please." said Zach. "When i was a baby my mom and dad tried to get me lobotomized a few times."

"What?" said the others in surprise.

"Yeah, they thought that it would be safer for me to get a lobotomy to prevent any aliens from getting into my brain."

"Aliens, of course." Liam rolled his eyes. "Yer folks and their fascination with the unknown depths of outer space."

"Why are they so fascinated with aliens anyway?" Asked Stella.

"No idea." Zach admitted.

"So Lincoln, what were you doing?" asked Clyde. The white-haired boy made a nervous look on his face.

He tried to think of a way to lie to his friends so that the secrecy of Hell wouldn't be at risk. He then remembered that Verosika was also popular on Earth, and she can also turn into a human like Loona can. "Nothing." said Lincoln. "I was hanging out with Verosika Mayday, that's all."

"Verosika mayday?" Said his friends.

"Oh my gosh!" said Stella. "I love Verosika Mayday."

"She is smoking hot." said Rusty. "I would love to get a kiss from her."

"Keep dreaming, Rusty." said Liam

"How do you know her?" Asked Clyde

"Well, I don't know her, I just met her." Lincoln admitted. "Stolas knew her and decided to make me hang out with her as a punishment for hiding Octavia at Clyde's place."

"So where did you meet?" Stella asked

"Ummm... at the mall. Yeah, I was picking something up for my mom and I ran into her. She said I was the cutest boy she had ever seen and wanted to hang out with me."

"So that is your punishment?" Clyde said. "That doesn't sound like a punishment."

"Yeah, that sounds like you're the luckiest guy in the world hanging out with someone like Verosika Mayday." said Rusty. "Why couldn't it have been me?"

At last, the soup was done, and Lincoln was the one carrying the pot. "Can you guys keep this a secret though? She's famous and I want to protect her privacy."

"Our lips are sealed, buddy." Clyde zipped his lips. Lincoln's poor sick family was sitting on the couch and waiting for their soup, and there were sneezes from them here and there.

"Thank goodness we are wearing these suits." said Zach.

Liam and Rusty got out bowls and a ladle to put scoops of the chicken soup in, and instead of using their spoons or forks, the family just chowed in their food like pigs with a trough in their sty.

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