Saving Lincoln From Crimson

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Loona awoken from being unconscious and looked around to see where Lincoln was. She realized that she and him were attacked by a pair of scary-looking mobsters that smothered Lincoln and knocked Loona out cold in the back of the head.

"Oh shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Loona began to panic. "I mean, Christ on a cock! I gotta warn the guys!" She tried sniffing for Lincoln and did eventually find his scent.

Alas, she probably needed some help in fighting these demon mobsters (although she didn't want to admit it since she can literally be a lone wolf on many things). What's even worse was that: Licnoln's own parents specifically asked the female hellhound to keep an eye on their only son, and if they found out about this, then they might forbid Lincoln from hanging out with her ever again.

She then thought perhaps: maybe she should keep this from the parents so that she can hang with Lincoln again, normally, she wouldn't ask for help, but she knew what mafias were capable of, and taking on a bunch armed mobsters alone with only claws and teeth as weapons would be suicide.

With no other options, she got on all fours and ran over to the IMP headquarters to tell them of the dire situation.

when she got there, she was greeted by Moxxie. "Loona, we got a problem."

"Yeah, no shit. But we can talk about a liposuction later, fatty."

"What? No! I'm not fat, I- oh forget it." Moxxie shrugged off. "My evil dad just called and said he has Lincoln as a hostage!"

"Wait, wait, wait, your dad?"

"Yes." The imp sounded really bitter about admitting it. "My dad is a crime boss and a real piece of work."

"That would be the biggest, fucking understatement of the year." Blitzo pointed. "Mox' dad is an even bigger fucking asshole than my old man."

"I could tell you more about my evil father," said Moxxie. "But we would be here for days and you probably wouldn't give a fuck about it, Loona.

"On one hand, I wouldn't give a flying fuck about your life. On the other hand, you had a very shitty dad worse than Blitzo?"

"Yep. He will make my dad look like Bambi or Pinocchio when you meet him." Said Blitzo

Everything was silent for almost a minute when Loona said: "what does he even want?"

"Me." Said Moxxie flatly. "He wants revenge on me and wants to kill me after what happened. And I think he... he's using Lincoln as live bait."

"Oh Satan." Loona said. "What the fuck are we waiting for? We gotta help him!"

"right behind ya, hun." Millie cracked her knuckles and pulled out her signature battle axe. "When I get a hold of that he-cunt, he will beg for the Grim Reaper to come and get him. He messes with my friends, he messes with me!"

It was just then, Vortex came in the meeting room. "Hey y'all. Tex in the house." He called.

"Now's not a good time, Tex." said Blitzo. "We are in the middle of the dire situation."

The muscular hellhound frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Lincoln has been kidnapped by a mafia." Loona said.

"Led by my dad." Moxxie added

"What?!" Said Tex in shock. "Jesus, this is dire alright. Wait, Moxxie's dad?"

The male imp made a sigh and replied: "it's a long story. But to shorten it, my dad is a very evil crime boss in the Greed Ring, Crimson."

"Crimson?" Said Tex like he had heard that name before. "Shit. That guy's fucking nasty."

"That would be an understatement." Millie rolled her eyes. "We dealt with that greedy asshole before."

"Well if you guys are gonna stop him and save Lincoln, count me in!" Tex clenched his left fist.

"We can always use an extra set of hands." Loona realized.

"We need to be very careful with my dad." Said Moxxie. "He is the sneakiest, most crafty person I have ever known."

"But he wants you to come alone." said Blitzo. "The classy piece of shit will kill Lincoln if you don't come by yourself."

"That's why I got a plan." Moxxie had a sneaky smile on his face.

In Crimson's manner, Lincoln was silent and was worried if he said one wrong word, then he might end up as another trophy mounted on one of the walls.

The boy can only imagine the kind of pain and torture Crimson and his boys out them through to kill them.

Speaking of Crimson, he was having a cigar and drinking some coffee as he was looking at the boy while the boy was still tied and on the chair in the living room.

"You seem quiet, kid."

Lincoln just looked at him and blinked two times.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

"Well I don't know what to say." Lincoln admitted. "Being kidnapped by you, ending up as a hostage for ransom, though it isn't my first crazy situation I have been in."

"That counts." Said Crimson.

"besides, I'm sure you just want me to keep my mouth shut." Lincoln added.

"Heh. A careful thinker." Crimson noticed. "I like that. Something I wouldn't mind seeing in my own son. But of course, that little shithead has no backbone at all, and can't even speak out against being married." He took another sip of his coffee.

Lincoln grew angry and said: "Moxxie is a great guy! He might not be as strong as Millie, but he can still be strong! What kind of father are you?! You are just a bully and... an Al Capone wannabe!"

Then Lincoln felt his face slapped hard, knocking him over as his cheek stung from the impact. "I wouldn't say such things if I were you." Crimson seethed. "And FYI? I am a million times fucking better than Al Fucking Capone was!"

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