Chandler Striking Again

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At school, Lincoln was walking with his friends down the hallway, going back home and then, they were confronted by a very familiar face that they did not like at all. Chandler, the probably now formerly-popular kid in school was in front of them, looking smug. "Well, another nice day at school?"

Lincoln and his cronies just looked at him with dislike and disdain, knowing that there was going to be trouble from this little bastard.

"What do you want, Chandler?" said Lincoln with his arms crossed in annoyance.

"Not happy to see me?"

"Why would be happy to see a conceited freeloader like you?" said Stella. "Considering the fact that you took Lincoln's hardcore backpack and used our news club to your own advantage."

"Testify!" Rusty said before giving her a high-five.

"Firstly, Lincoln gave it to me for Christmas in exchange for a present to one of his sisters. And secondly, I was doing you guys a favor by being a part of the news crew."

"Screw you, Chandler!" said Liam. "You may have convinced some people with your milk and honey vocabulary, but you have not fooled us. We're smarter than a swine without the swine flu."

"Whatever that means..." Chandler didn't understand Liams' southern talk. "But no matter, I would like to make you all an offer." He said. "If you all put me back in the news team, I will give you five-hundred dollars to each of you.

"Fat chance." Clyde said in disdain. "We all know you'll just freeload off of us again

Chandler made another look of contempt towards his own enemies. "Bah, you're all not as dumb as you look. I know where you all live, and you know what I do with people I don't like."

"My uncle happens to be a lawyer." said Stella.

"Yeah? Well my dad knows many good lawyers to be on his side in a lawsuit." Then he walked away. "Just stay out of my way."

"Yeah well we can say the same for you, big shot!" Zach called out. "He is such a jerk."

"He's so conceited." Lincoln nodded his head.

"I heard that, losers!" Chandler called out.

The others just walked in the other direction. "So how's Loona doing?" asked Clyde. "I haven't seen her in a few days."

"she's fine. Little cranky as ever but she's doing fine."

"cranky?" asked Rusty. "I thought she is always a cheerful person, I mean she is one of your sisters."

"Oh no no no, this is a different Loona. The one I told you about."

"Oh! The one that saved you from being mugged." Said Stella.

"That's the one."

"So is she dating anyone?" Rusty had a look of hope. "How hot is she?"

His cronies gave a look of annoyance. "Rusty, we've been over this." said Lincoln. "She's too old for you. And besides, you're probably not her type anyway."

"A lot of girls say that to me."

"Gee, I wonder why." said Liam in a sarcastic tone.

"But Loona is like... think of her as like a female counterpart of Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher. A little blunt and rude, but is a good person."

"That's actually a good way to put it." Clyde said. "Makes me think if she has a bad girl kind of attitude."

"A bad goth girl."

"Ooh, I like the sound of her already." Rusty said

"Don't even think about it." Lincoln said. "She's too old for you."

"Well ladies dig younger men."

"Yes, ladies who are cougars." said Zach

"Well, I'll see you guys soon." Lincoln said before going to where his house was.

"Bye, Lincoln." His friends said. As the white-haired kid was alone, Lincoln saw that his house was normal as it should be like and Vanzilla was looking as good as ever.

Home sweet home indeed. Going through the front door, he saw Loona in her true hellhound form this time, and sitting on the couch while on her phone. "So do you know anything by Mick Swagger?" Asked the rocker girl Luna.

"Yeah, I've heard of him." said the Hellhound Loona. "But I prefer heavier shit."

"Language!" said Lynn Sr.

"yeah yeah sorry." Loona called out. Lincoln saw that Charles was right next to her with his tail wagging, panting with his tongue, clearly simping over her.

Loona just looked annoyed at this, and rolled his eyes. "Get lost, mangy little fuck." But Charles continued simping over her with a small bark, making Loona growl in annoyance.

"Charles, get down from there." said Lincoln, picking up his dog and putting him down on the ground.

"Hey Linc." said Loona. "Had a good day at school?"

"The usual."


"I'm sorry about Charles. He's a dog and you're a dog-like demon-"

"Nah, don't worry about it." Loona got up. "I'm so used to weirdos and perverts gawking over me. Charles isn't the first dog that does the same here on Earth." She crossed her arms again.

"Quite a house you get here," said a familiar voice. It was Moxxie and Millie coming in the bedroom. Lincoln was surprised and looked at them

"Moxxie, Millie? What are you guys doing here?"

"Well we just wanted to invite you to one of the coolest places in all of Hell." said Moxxie. "666 nightclub. A place where I normally perform on the guitar on the weekends."

"Ooh, sounds fun."

"Yeah, Moxxie is quite the axeman." Millie added. "You'll love what he can play."

"So how was school?" asked Moxxie curiously.

"good, got confronted by Chandler after school."

"That kid that hates you?" Loona remembered.

"That's the one."

"Need me to rip him apart?" Loona said. "I can take care of him for you and I'll clean up the blood before-"

"Whoa whoa whoa." Lincoln interrupted her. "Thanks for caring Loona, but I don't want to kill Chandler."

"Yeah don't you think that's a little extreme?" Asked Lori

"not for a demon it isn't." said Loona.

"figures." said Lana.

"Fat!" Lily pointed at Moxxie.

The male imp looked really annoyed that even a baby would call him that. "Why does everyone keep saying that about me?" he asked in an exasperated voice.

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