Mobster Imp

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Lincoln was a little embarrassed sitting next to a beautiful girl like Katie Mayday, Verosika's twin sister. But he realized he did get all the girls and doesn't even know it. First Loona, then Verosika and her female friends, and now her own heavy metal twin sister? He wondered if he can get more girls to like him in Hell (not by eating him of course). He thought to himself "i guess I am a gentleman after all." then he said to the sister. "So, Katie, you're a heavy metal singer?"

"Yep, and one of the fucking best." Katie boasted.

Verosika just rolled her eyes. "But I have more money than you, sis." she reminded

"Bah! I still have my fans." Katie brushed off. Like dad said to us before. Money isn't everything."

"Well dad's not here right now." Verosika sneered with her arms crossed.

"whatever." Katie crossed her arms as well, and crossed over of her legs. "Dad always warned you about your... breaking point."

The Succubus pop star looked a little mad and retorted by saying: "I knew you would use dad against me. He always loved you best."

"Well mom always loved you best." Katie retorted herself.

"Easy guys." said Loona. "Not in front of the kid. Blitzo and Barbie Wire are one thing, but you guys?"

Both the Succubus sisters looked at one another and gave Lincoln an apologetic look. "Sorry." said Katie, "me and Verosika always are trying to one-up each other."

"No, I get it." said Lincoln. "I have ten sisters at home and it's a little worse."

Katie, like many of Lincoln's new demon friends, also looked surprised to hear that. "Ten sisters?" She said. "You think you know a guy."

"I know, I know." Lincoln started to sound a little annoyed in repeating this kind of fact. "But I always find a way to get around our differences."

"You seem like a smart kid." Katie said in her silky voice. "How come you don't have a girlfriend?"

"I did have one before she moved away with her big family. But... I realized she isn't really my type. Love isn't for everybody."

"Heh. Story of my life." The pop star Succubus smirked. "Blitzo doesn't deserve the love i gave him. He needs his stupid dick ripped out of his pathetic body and bleed to death."

"Here comes the hate talk against Blitzo." said Katie, sounding annoyed with her sister's usual griping. "I've already heard it many fucking times already!"

"Ok, ok. That is no way to talk to a pop star." Verosika said.

"Look Verosika," said Lincoln. "I'm sorry that Blitzo treated you so badly, but can you try to let it go and move on?"

"I will... as soon as I make him suffer."

"Well just keep me out of it." said Lincoln.

"Of course. I know this has nothing to do with you, sweetie." Verosika kindly said. "So you two wanna see these adorable pictures of Lincoln sleeping?"

Blushing, Lincoln tried protesting against this, but it was no use at all. Loona and Katie gathered at the phone to see the sleeping Lincoln pictures. "Ha ha ha! He looks like a baby." said Loona while laughing. "Is that him wearing only his underwear?"

"Yep." Verosika smiled.

"he looks so cute when he is sleeping so soundly." Katie.

Loona began laughing even louder than before and said: "he sucks his thumb? You look ridiculous there, Lincoln."

The embarrassed boy blushed a bigger shade of red on his round face. "I thought I was having a lollipop in my dream." He tried defending himself. "Gah! Now I can't show my face in front of you guys ever again." He covered his face with one of the sofa pillows. Oh the humiliation for him to endeavor. "Those were private moments."

"Oh come on." said Verosika. "It's cute.

"Yeah, i mean, look at you. So peaceful, so soundly," Katie added. "I've seen some cute boys sleeping before, but you? You have to take the first place prize trophy for it."

"They're compliments." said Loona. "And uh... this comes from me and no one else, Lincoln, but; Blitzo sucks his thumb in his sleep all the time."

"Well then why not take pictures of him doing that?" said Lincoln

"Oh i did. I got plenty of them." Loona smiled. She showed Lincoln all the pictures of Blitzo sleeping while sucking his thumb over the years. "He looks so fucking ridiculous. Way more ridiculous than you look."

"Oh thanks a lot." said Lincoln sarcastically before slightly turning away. "Can't we all just forget about this while i go hide under my bed forever?"

"Come on," said Loona. "We're just joking with you. And... you do look cute when you are sleeping admittedly."

"Thanks, i guess."

"Don't worry, i won't show it to everyone in Hell." said Verosika. "We'll keep this between us."

"Promise?" asked Lincoln

"You have my word, Lincoln." said the pop star.

"So Lincoln, do you want me to buy you an ice cream for you?" said Katie. "I know a good place."

"Sure, that sounds fun." said Lincoln.

In the Greed Ring of Hell, an evil imp was smoking one of his cigars as he was looking at his fireplace. Wondering about that kid from Earth that visits down here in Hell regularly, and had this imp had some kind of plan for Lincoln. An evil and devious and heinous plan in his head that he was thinking about for a few days now. "This kid could be someone useful to me." said the imp. "Yeah, hopefully he has more guts and brass balls than my shitty excuse of a son.

A tall shark demon came in the room. "Sorry i'm late boss." said the shark mobster. "I managed to get the name of this kid. His name is Lincoln, and he is a human."

"I already know that Alessio." the imp rolled his eyes. "Do you know anything about him?"

"He hangs out with Moxxie, Millie, and their friends often. He's hung out with them for days now."

"hmm... notify me when you find more information about him, ok, Alessio?"

"You got it, boss."

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