Pranks Are Not A Big Deal In Hell

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While still looking unsure about this idea that the succubus pop star had in mind. Lincoln couldn't help but ask: "So if i do this for you, how much will i get?"

"This." Verosika had a sly smile on her face and pulled out a wad of cash from her backside. "Reward is five hundred dollars."

Lincoln's eyes widened in complete disbelief. Five hundred dollars as a reward to him just for doing this kind of prank against Blitzo? He did hear of this old saying: "money talks". On one hand, this is a lot of money for his reward, but on the other hand, he didn't want Blitzo to kill him for this. That imp was the founder and CEO of the Immediate Murder Professionals after all. Of course Loona was his adopted daughter and one of the best things to ever happen to Blizto in his entire life. This prank (whatever it was) wouldn't kill him, but it was supposed to hurt him in some way. "And this will be all mine if i do this for you, right?"

"Yep. You have my word, sweetie."

"I don't know." said Lincoln, looking a little unsure. "I don't want to maim or hurt him or have one of his legs cut off. But i guess Loona can protect me from him if he tries to shoot me down for pranking him like this."

"you won't have to take responsibility. Blitzo will never know it was you. What he doesn't know won't hurt him." she gave him a gentle pat on the back. "I'll take full responsibility in case Blitzo might want to kill you so you can be safe from him. So come on, can you please do this for me?"

"Well... ok. But... you promise to take full responsibility for this?"

"Hmm-mm." Verosika nodded her head to him. "Like I said: you have my word. You are my friend and i will never let anything bad happen to you." Then she gave him a tender hug, making him feel warm and a little fuzzy.

"I'll... let you know when i did this job for you."

"Excellent!" The succubus said in a cheerful voice. "And I can't wait to see the reaction of that Blitzo when he sees what i had in store for him." she had an evil, devious look on her beautiful face. "Let me know when you have done it."

"And, before you go, I have a question, Verosika."


"You don't care if I'm not a hellhound anymore, right?"

Verosika frowned and said: "I don't mind at all. Helhound, human, you're still the adorable and sweet boy I know." Those words made Lincoln fluster at being called adorable and other such compliments. "I wouldn't think any different of you. But, I have to go. I have a meeting with my manicure."


As the succubus left the house, Lincoln was thinking and wondering how this would go. "Where can I find a snapping turtle?" he wondered to himself. He snapped his finger with an idea. "Liam!" he thought. "Yeah, he has a pet snapping turtle that i can use." He went to the farm of one of his best friends and asked his friend for help.

"Why would you need Snappy for anyway?" asked Liam

"For... a prank."

"A prank? You trying to kill someone?"

"No. it's for a friend of mine and it's against her ex-boyfriend. He wasn't a good boyfriend to her and treated her very badly in their relationship before they broke up."

"Ooh. That's gotta hurt."

"But here's my idea."

"Go on." then Lincoln whispered something in Liam's ear the same thing Verosika whispered in his ear about the plan. "Ah. That's a clever trick." said Liam. "As long as the guy doesn't lose a big chunk of his skin.

"Well the turtle is not that big. so it shouldn't do too much harm."

"They still have powerful beaks for biting. They're as strong as the strongest of bear traps."

Gulping, Lincoln said: "I'll keep that in mind. But it's just for an hour."

"Gotcha. Now Snappy, be a good boy for Lincoln, and I will give you some honeydew chunks for dinner tonight, ok?"

The snapping turtle rolled its eyes in annoyance, but promised Liam that he will (mostly) be a good turtle for Lincoln.

In Blitzo's apartment, Lincoln got teleported there by Loona whom didn't really have a problem since she somewhat considers Lincoln her friend. Luckily, Lincoln hid Snappy in his backpack and when Loona went to get something from the fridge, Loona went into the bathroom and gently got the snapping turtle out of his backpack. "Ok, Snappy. You ready to prank Blitzo?"

The snapping turtle made a snicker sound and smiled, implicating that he was more than ready to pull this prank on the imp.

"Right... hope he doesn't poop or pee on you. And you can at least... lunge at him before... you know."

Nodding his head to Lincoln up and down, Snappy immediately knew what to do. Carefully, Lincoln placed him in the toilet and went out of the bathroom in the hurry with the door slamming. Loona noticed this and said: "Whoa, easy slammy. You ok?"

"Just needed a quick pee." said Lincoln. "Before I take gulps of soda."

"Oooookay then..." Loona didn't know what to think. "Here's your cola."

"Thanks." It was just then Blitzo came in the living room and smiled.

"Hey Lincoln. I need to have a quick bathroom break and I would like to show you one of the coolest weapons I have in my stock."

As he went into his bathroom, Lincoln's heart was pounding and it was pacing like he was about to have a heart attack, and he is only eleven years old!

After a few seconds, both Lincoln and Loona heard a loud "Yeaaaaaaaggghhh!" From the bathroom. "What the fucking fuck!?" Blitzo exclaimed in pain.

"What in hell?" Loona said

The imp came out of the bathroom with the snapping turtle clamping his right butt cheek and the imp was howling in pain as he was squirming around to pry Snappy off of him.

"Get it off me! Get it off! Get it the fuck off of me!" Blitzo exclaimed as he was moving frantically like a crazy turkey.

Loona couldn't help but laugh at her "fathers'" misfortune and pulled out her phone to record this. It was absolutely hysterical and hilarious to look at, especially with Blitzo moving around like he was suffering from en epileptic seizure.

"This is just too funny." Loona smiled as she was recording this. "Now this I gotta show my friends."

"Here, I'll get it off of him." Said Lincoln.

The kid did just that and was having a little difficulty getting the snapping turtle off of Blitzo' ass. "Lincoln, get rid of this thing!"

Loona continued laughing as she was watching at Blitzo's misfortune some more and still recording it.

"Loona!" Blitzo scolded. "That is not for the social media!"

"Sure it is, Blitzo. Dance for me."

It took about a few minutes but Lincoln managed to take Snappy off of Bltizo, and the snapping turtle took a chunk of the imps' flesh in the process. The imp looked rather traumatized and panted as the turtle was off of him. "what the fuck is that?"

"I think he's a... snapping turtle."

"A fucking snapping turtle?" Blitzo exclaimed. "What the fuck was it doing in the crapper?"

"no idea." Lincoln lied

"Wait, Lincoln," Loona asked. "Did you out the turtle in there?"

"What? No! Pranking is Luan's kind of thing."

"Are you lying?" Loona looked suspicious.

"Nope. Would you smell me if I was lying?" The female hellhound did just that and sniffed Lincoln a few times.

"Yep, I can smell it. You are definitely lying."

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