Growing Suspicious

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Playing one of the arcade games Verosika's yacht, Lincoln was still having fun on this cool boat. The kid wished he had a nice boat such as this (minus the feminine pink colors all over the vehicle.)

Ah, it probably wouldn't matter since he lives with ten sisters in his life who obviously like pink. Most girls love the color pink, except Lucy, who was a Goth girl of course.

"Come on, almost got the veggies." Lincoln said to himself as he was trying to get "Blob Man", the famous video game that looks like a green germ with a big mouth, to eat all the veggies in the maze without getting hit by blue banshees. Having fun, Lincoln finally lost after the third level of the game. "Aw man." he said to himself before hearing his stomach growling. Hearing Verosika come in the room, he heard the sound of her high heels coming inside the houseboat interior

"How was it?" she asked

"It was fun. I lost at the third round though."

"Oh, i'm sorry." said Verosika.

"Don't worry, i have played this old-school game many times before." He bent his fingers together in a bold way.

"So I was wondering if you would like a snack." Verosika said.

"Have any grapes?"

"Yep. I do." She went into her fridge to give Lincoln what he wanted.

Taking a few grapes in his mouth and eating them, Lincoln asked: "so where's Loona?"

"She's still hanging with Tex in the front of the ship." The pop pointed. "It's like they are inseparable." She smirked. "I honestly don't know why Tex would hang out with her."

"How can he not?" Asked Lincoln. "She saved me from muggers and I feel like I should return the favor for her."

"If you ask me, Lincoln," said Verosika, "I don't think you owe her anything. She's the adopted daughter of of shitty ex-boyfriend."

"I guess Blitzo was only trying to protect me if he lied to me."

"Maybe." Verosika said. "But if you ever need a true friend in your life, I am there for you."

Lincoln looked touched and smiled. "Thanks. Even if I have bucked teeth and like geeky stuff?"

Verosika made a small chuckle and replied: "yes, and I've fela- I mean, I've had fun with geeks and men with buck teeth. So there's nothing wrong with having buck teeth. I honestly think that your buck teeth are the cutest part about you, Lincoln."

The white-haired boy blushed. "Thanks."

He had some more grapes and looked outside. "At least my friends back home are taking care of my sick family. I don't know what I would be without them."

"Well if you ever feel the need to go home and help your family, I'll take you home."

"Thanks, but Loona has the book on her, remember?"

"Right..." Verosika remembered.

"But I'm ok, I think my friends can handle my sick family. Anything is better than being in a house surrounded by very sick people who act like zombies."

"True." His phone rang and it was Clyde. "Hey buddy, what's going on?"

"We're getting a little overwhelmed here. Can you give us a hand?"

"Are Stella and the others there?"

"Yes, but it's still five of us against twelve sick people." Clyde said. "We're hiding in Lisa's bunker right now, trying to create some chicken soup for everyone."

"Ah. Good idea. Are you sure you need my help? I'm in the middle of my... punishment right now."

"Please, you gotta help us out." Said Liam in the other line. "It's getting stickier than a newborn calf after birth."

Giving a mildly gross look on his face, Lincoln said. "Ok I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you so much." Said Stella.

"Don't mention it." He looked at a curious Verosika "I'm very sorry about this, Verosika. I know I am being punished by Stolas right now, but my sick family is starting to get the best of my best friends back in Earth."

"No, it's quite alright, honey." Verodika gently petted his white hair. "And the day is still young, you know? Feel free to come back on here whenever you are ready."

"Sure." Lincoln went out the houseboat interior and looked at Loona, still looking at the far distance with Vortex. He didn't want to ruin this moment, and he took a break. "Loona, I'm sorry to bother you but, my friends on earth are kinda in trouble. They need my help."

"They can't find their controllers?" Loona joked.

"No, it's worse than that." Lincoln pointed. "They are a little overwhelmed by my sick family and... not a lot of people can handle my family. We've even got banned from public places more times than I can count with all the chaos my family brings. I mean, you don't have to go anywhere, but maybe transport me back to Earth in a safe spot where no one will see me?"

"Don't worry about it." Loona said, "you're not ruining any moment between me and Tex. So what do they need?"

"Help me feed the family and make sure that they are occupied. But I'm worried about what Stolas will do if I skip out on my punishment like this."

"Please." Loona rolled her eyes. "Stolas loves Blitzo too much that he focuses on nothing but Blitzo when he... has the hots for him."

"I don't want to know." Lincoln nodded his head. "Makes me weirded out just thinking about it."

"Like I said about rich people," Tex said. "They can do weird things, Lincoln."

"So yeah, let me open the portal for you." Loona said. Doing just that, the portal opened in the garage of Lincoln's house, which was a lucky break.

The portal closed as soon as he was inside. It went better than he expected. Going inside the house, he still saw his family looking very sick and looking like zombies.

"Bro..." Luna said, walking up to him.

"Whoa! Sorry Luna, but I can't get sick either. Gah! I need to find a hazmat suit." He hurriedly rushed up in the youngest sisters' bedroom to borrow one of those suits. "Whew, that's better."

"Morning, Lincoln." Said Lynn sr, sounding very congested. "Sorry if we- achoo! Scare you this morning."

"It's ok, dad. Better safe than sorry."

"Understandable, sweetie." said Rita, sounding just as congested as her husband. "Where- hack! Hack! Hack! Where were you?"

"Hanging out with Loona, the cool bad girl Loona."

"Oh." Lynn Sr sneezed again. "What were you doing?"

"Just uh... having a nice time at her place." Lincoln lied. "Nothing special."

"And who was that really big guy with?" Asked Leni. "He looked dreamy." Then she let out a loud sneeze.

"Just one of her best friends." Lincoln. "Look, I need to help my friends here."

He went downstairs to the bunker to help the guys. The family seemed to be growing a little more suspicious of him being with Loona.

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