Cooking Time With Clyde McBride

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In the kitchen, Clyde and Octavia were making the French dessert together, though it was a little messy for Octavia since she had never cooked anything in her life before. Petit fours were a yummy French delicacy and nothing tastes better than French desserts. Despite how messy it looked, the Goetia princess was having fun with one of her few friends that she had ever made, along with Lincoln, and Loona. Octavia even wished that the two laters were with them to have some baking fun together.

And, without admitting it, she wished that ther own father was there to have some baking. Sure Stolas can be a dorky kind of dad around the princess, but he was still her father after all.

She was impressed with how Clyde was on top of things in making this yummy delicacy. For she was watching and learning from this and how she can be a great chef like he is right now. Yes, Clyde had the perfect potential to become the greatest chef in the whole world. Someone better than Emeril or the has-been Boyardee. "Ok, now we just put the sugar in the bowl and we create the shapes of the petit fours into little squares."

"Got it." said Octavia.

While forming and making the little petit fours into the square shapes they are supposed to be in, Clyde couldn't help but ask: "Octavia, why don't you try looking for more friends in life?"

The disguised princess made a small frown. "Well it's... easier said than done, Clyde." she remarked. "Being rich and beautiful, it's hard to find some true friends. Because when you are rich and famous, many people will just hang around you for those two reasons i mentioned and probably take advantage of you."

"Ooh. Yeah, I understand that. Can't really trust anyone anymore when you are almost as rich as Elon Musk."

Octavia made a small chuckle. "Me and my family are not as rich as him? But we are still rich. Though I do have you guys. My mother would only want me to hang out with the classiest of friends and not poor riff-raff as she calls it."

"I take it she is an elitist?" Asked Clyde

The princess let out a small cute laugh. "An elitist would be the biggest understatement in a millennium, Clyde. She is the most elite of elitist. My mum would do anything to keep me and my family as rich and classy as possible. To her? It's always about the money, the royalty, and prestige."

"Well does she make you do prestigious things?" Clyde already folded about thirty of these petit fours already when he was talking. Octavia only managed to do five of them while she was speaking to one of her first friends.

"A few times, but I'm more close to my dad than my mum anyway. And he can be dorky and so embarrassing."

"he loves you." Said Clyde. "He wouldn't have come looking for you at my house before if he didn't love you."

"True. But he can be suffocating to me. Besides, the sooner they get divorced, the better. That way I won't have to scream at each other any more. Granted, mum moved out of my house, but they can still argue over the phone, which is a reason my dad dropped my off here in the first place."

Clyde can see that she is having a little bit of trouble trying to comprehend her parents' relationship still. Sure she's happier now, but this was certainly not something a child can shake off so easily in his or her life. "Look, why don't we just change the subject? I don't wanna make this too depressing for you, Octavia."

"Yeah, that is probably a good idea. I have enough worries in my life as it is." Octavia smirked. "So Clyde, have your fathers been good?"

"Yep. They're both in the garden together growing some tomatoes. They are trying to make sure no bugs or animals try to eat them, or they will be devastated to see even one tomato munched or snatched by a rabbit or two."

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