Chandler Is The Worst

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Loona looked bored and indifferent as ever while looking at her phone inside the McBride residence. Harold and Howard were a little uneasy because of her rather scary human appearance. (If they saw her without her human disguise, they would probably do something crazy like repel her with a crucifix). Along with her rather revealing clothes that made her look skimpy. Nevertheless; The gay couple kept their cool and decided not to be too quick to judge about her. Harold came in with a plate of cookies in hand and sat them on the counter. "So," Harold began speaking. "You're the one who saved Lincoln from those muggers?"

"The one and only, dude." Loona said, still looking at her phone. "Don't sweat it."

"Right." said Howard. "You're new around here."

"You're smarter than you look." Loona retorted. "He was in trouble, the muggers were going to kill him, and... you know the rest."

Howard, Harold, and Clyde looked at Loona, worried that she is not the most friendly person to be with right now. "Are you ok, Loona? You look like you just want to get out of here." Loona just continued looking at her phone and not really looking at everyone else. It was like her phone was her life and possibly couldn't live without it. "But if you want to leave, i understand."

"Yeah, i mean, we don't want to waste any time in wherever you want to go to if it's important." said Howard.

"Eh, i got nothing else better to do. I mean, i always hang out with people I hate, so I don't care." Loona put her phone down for a few seconds. "So you're not wasting my time, trust me."

"What do you hate?" asked Clyde

"I can tell you all the things I hate, Clyde," Loona said, "but that could take all night." she let out a sigh. "But, Lincoln here is alright." she looked at the white-haired boy himself. "He has a worse family than I do."

"Come on, the Loud family may be one of a kind, but they are still a good family." said Harold

"There's no such thing as a perfect family." Howard added.

"I've heard that millions of times before, Mr McB." said Loona. "Where I come from, there are a lot of dysfunctional families that need a lot of therapy. I mean, where I come from, it's pretty fucked up." The three McBrides gasped and Harold clasped Clyde's ears.

The shorter McBride father said: "Watch your language!"

"There children here!" the taller McBride father added.

"Ok, ok, sorry." Loona rolled her eyes.

"Do you hate us?" asked Clyde

"No." Loona sighed. "This isn't easy for me to say, but you guys seem alright too... mostly."

"Loona's just not that big of a people person, that's all. Think of her as a lone wolf." Lincoln pointed.

Looking a little annoyed at Lincoln at what he said: Loona just said: "That's an understatement, but yeah. I just love being alone... most of the time."

"Don't you ever get lonely?" Howard said.

"Well, i learn to get by. I'm a Gothic girl."

"Like Lucy?" asked Clyde

"Exactly. But I am way more Gothic than her." Loona said. She looked around. "Is there any wine or beer or any kind of booze anywhere?" then she took a bite of her cookie.

"Sorry, but we don't have alcohol." said Howard

"yeah, i mean, we have a child here after all... and two cats." Harold added.

"Aw." Loona groaned. "I'll just have to look for a bottle somewhere else. But the cookies are good." she couldn't help but grab five of them and gulp them down her throat like a pig or any other kind of animal, leaving the three McBrides surprised. "What? Haven't you ever seen a girl eat cookies before?" she asked

Then the four all just looked away. Nepurtiti and Cleopawtra, the two cats of this house went up to Loona and sniffed her legs to get a look at her, and they looked shocked before hissing at her as if they hate her so much already. "Hey hey hey." Clyde said. "What's wrong with you guys?"

"Uh-oh." said Lincoln in his brain. "They must have sensed Loona's Hellhound DNA in her. "It's going to be like a classical cats and dogs kind of feud."

"Cats." said Loona. "They're the worst." looking annoyed at these two felines, she rolled her eyes away from them while these two house-cats slowly backed away with their hair still up, and then ran away from her as if she was a pure evil demon (although she was a demon in disguise, and the cats probably saw through this charade).

"I've never seen them act like that before." said Clyde.

"Well, you can't please everybody." said Lincoln. "Not everyone in the world is going to like you."

"Fair enough." Clyde agreed. "Like Chandler."

"Who's Chandler?" Asked Loona.

"Just a mean, rotten kid. He is bad news and thinks he's better than everyone else because his dad is the CEO of the sewer company in Michigan."

"Sewer company? What? Does he make a living off turning sh- I mean poop into manure or something? Or someone pays him to do it?"

"Something like that." Lincoln said. "But I ignore him and I got back at him a couple of times."

"But you shouldn't stoop to his level." Said Harold. "If you did, what will you become?"

"Oh it's nothing evil. I mean, Chandler is the worst."

"Hmm, what if I can talk to him a little?" Said Loona. "I can tell him to back off or else."

"Whoa whoa whoa, Loona." Said Lincoln. "Thanks Loona, but I don't think that will be necessary. Besides he doesn't bug me that much, and I've seen scarier enemies."

"How can a kid like you have many enemies?"

"You would be surprised."

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