The First Man

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This didn't make any sense at all. Why would the very first human want to meet Lincoln in the first place? Were they going to kill him just by associating with demons and befriending them? It was it something else?

It was so serious that Zeezi had to call Charlie and Lucifer about this situation.

There was the King and the Princess, in the pub version of Zeezi's own hangout, and she was having a private conversation with both of them about the angels wanting to meet the white-haired boy personally. "shit," said Lucifer. "This is not good. Not good at all. Though, maybe that's an understatement?"

"The biggest fucking understatement in centuries." Zeezi exclaimed.

"Come on, the law says they can't hurt or kill anyone down here if it isn't Extermination Day." Charlie pointed. "Maybe I should go with him."

"No." said Lucifer, stopping his daughter before telling Lincoln. "It's too dangerous. And I don't wanna lose you like I lost your mother."

"but she's not dead, dad." The princess said. "She's-"

"I know where she is!" Lucifer exclaimed in an exasperated tone of voice. He realized his mistake and let out a sad sigh and bowed his head. "I'm sorry. It's just been hard for me when it come to your mother, Charlie."

"it's ok, daddy. But.. maybe you should go with him."

"She has a point, your highness." Zeezi pointed. "You are the king of everything down here, and... you are a fallen angel."

Lucifer was silent after that remark. "True, but what if he threatens my wife?"

"That big shot douchebag has to listen to you, your highness. If he won't, then at least show him who's boss, and remind him of the treaty."

"Well... I guess I can help accompany him to meet those fucking crazy angels." Lucifer sighed. "And Loona can probably come with me since she is the one to be in charge of him while he is visiting from Earth."

Meanwhile, Lincoln was feeling very scared in himself since he has heard rather dreadful things about those hypocrites called "angels" from Lucifer and his daughter. His heart was pounding like a drum about everything, but Loona and Clyde, as well as his other friends around him were there to try and support him and tell him everything will be okay.

"Look, it's probably not a big deal." said Loona

"Not a big deal?" Said Moxxie. "This is the leader of the Exorcists we're fucking talking about!"

"Moxxie." Millie scolded her husband. "Not helping out. Lincoln's probably scared shitless enough as it is."

"I'm not scared." Lincoln said. "I mean, I'm not as scared as many people would normally be about this. Besides, Heaven is still supposed to be a place of eternal happiness, right?"

"Well... yeah." Said Vortex, looking a little uncomfortable. "Granted, Heaven can be paradise, but... it can also be too much paradise."

"Yeah, it can get really boring from what I've heard." Said Crystal. "It might have a lot of excitement or fucking awesomeness to go around. Just singing songs about praising God or Jesus."

"My family, well- most of my family- will be there, except for my sister Lola. She can be pretty evil and might end up down here when she dies."

"I might now know her so much," said Loona, "but it wouldn't surprise me. She's spoiled enough to be evil."

"The point is," said Serena, "you might not like Heaven when you die and you'll wanna end up down here instead and fuck everything up."

"And fucking everything up can be so much fun" said Blitzo. "No fucking way Heaven is better than Hell!" Then he made a gasp of horror. "Shit, shit, shit, what if they don't allow heavy metal up there?"

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