Invitation From Angels

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Zeezi's badass pub had everything Lincoln and Clyde could ever dream of. It was a true paradise for them both, possibly even better than Dairyland back on Earth. Yes, this kind of place would put both Dairyland and Gus' Games N' Grub to shame. There were so many fun things to do in this amazing kind of place, they both didn't know where to start. They already been to the amusement park dome of this area and there was still so much to see and so much to do in this paradise. Ultimately, they both decided to go to the ice cream parlor next, and the treats looked so yummy in this part of the large building.

"I'll take vanilla." said Lincoln to the vendor.

"Whatever, kiddo." said the grouchy vendor. "What kind of toppings do you want?"

"There's so many to choose. I don't know where to start."

"Me neither." said Clyde.

The vendor looked rather annoyed and said: "Well make up your fucking minds! I haven't got all day."

"OK, OK." said Lincoln. "I'll have sprinkles and chocolate syrup with them."

"Yeah me too." Clyde smiled widely. "I'll take vanilla with chocolate syrup and sprinkles too."

"Meh, whatever." the vendor said before going to fetch the human boys the ice cream they requested.

"Aren't you allergic to some of that stuff, Clyde?" asked Lincoln

"I am allergic to some foods, Lincoln, but i can eat chocolate and those toppings." his best friend looked at the menu, and looked rather disgusted at some of the topping options on the menu. Many kinds of bugs as options, dead animals like dead skunk, beaver heads, roadkill, bats and other organisms that are (thankfully) dead.

But thankfully there were options found on Earth like the sprinkles, chocolate syrup, sour candies, any human can name it. "Here you go, you little shits. Eat up or choke on it, I don't care." Said the vendor before walking away. At last, the boy can enjoy their ice cream and sat at a nearby booth

As they were eating their ice cream, Clyde asked: "so how's Lynn doing?"

"Not very good right now, Clyde. She's being grilled by mom and dad with Lisa's polygraph to see if she was using steroids in any other games."

"Is she mad?"

"More like ashamed." Lincoln said. "But I think she'll be fine. But she needs to be a good loser. And get this, they said that if Lynn uses steroids or messes up really big like that one more time, they'll send her to some school for troubled girls in Quebec."

"Wait, I've heard of that place." Clyde said. "They said it's the best reform school in all of Canada. It really transforms tomboys into girly girls, even the hard cases."

"Honestly," said Lincoln, "maybe a place like that would do Lynn some good. She is a very brash girl and a real loose cannon. She's one of the most troublesome members of the family. The Dutch ovens, the wrestling, she is a living nightmare sometimes." He then clenched his fingers next to his eyes as he sounded annoyed about the past antics of his slightly older sister. "I can still smell her farts."

"Well she's still your sister." Clyde said.

"yeah I know." Lincoln sighed.

"Ah, there you guys are." Said Verosika. "Mind if I cut in?" She sat on the side of the booth where her favorite white-haired boy was sitting in and he felt her warn fur coat brush against his head and arm.

"Don't hog these kids to yourself, sis." Said Katie, walking over to sit next to Clyde.

"Can this place be any more cool and awesome?" Said Lincoln.

"You mean besides the nightclubs, the theme park, etc, Linky?" Katie smirked. "I know, it's pure paradise."

"And who says Hell can't be enjoyable?" Verosika gently hugged him on the side like her own stuffed animal in bed.

"Angels who write down propaganda about demons." Said Clyde. "Charlie and Lucifer told us that Heaven has a bunch of hypocrites."

"sadly, they're not wrong." Verosika sighed. "It's run by a bunch of fucking arrogant assholes? Clyde. Never trust an angel."

"Angels are the fucking worst." Katie rolled her eyes as she was talking about them in contempt. "Say, Lincoln, why not try out the karaoke? You can show Zeezi your singing skills."

"Well, I don't know." Lincoln looked a little sheepish.

"Aw come on." Verosika said. "Please can you perform for Zeezi?"

"Do you think she'll like it?"

"Like what?" Said Zeezi, coming into the room and making the ground mildly shake with every step she took.

"Lincoln has the greatest singing voice of any human, milady." Katie blurted. "When he sings, it breaks your heart."

"Really." Zeezi looked interested and amused by that little piece of information. "Come on, baby. Don't be shy. I'm just dying to hear that angel voice Katie here mentioned.

"OK, OK." Lincoln chuckled. "Just let me finish my ice cream."

Suddenly, a very peculiar and strange sight occurred. A golden envelope with silver wings was flying towards Lincoln. Sure there were many weird things in Hell but this? The magic envelope then stopped flying and fell flat on the table, and a paper magically opened to reveal a letter.

"a letter for me?" said Lincoln. He cleared his throat and began reading: "Lincoln Loud, I am writing a letter to you because me and my assistant, Lute, would like to meet you in person for an appointment and a little chat. Meet me at the Angel Embassy in a little while, somewhere about one hour, and do not keep me, the king of all Dicks, waiting. Yours truly, Adam."

"Adam?" The Succubus sisters and Zeezi exclaimed in pure horror.

"What the fuck does the first human want?" The dinosaur overlord asked

"Maybe I should tell Loona about this." Said Lincoln. So he calls the rest of his friends over and does just that, tell them about the invitation he had received. Like Verosika, Katie, and Zeezi, everyone was very shocked.

"Oh fuck no!" said Blitzo. "Anything from them is fucking bad news!"

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