Taking In A Disguised Princess

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Octavia was in her human disguise, and she looked like a beautiful girl in her late teens since she was seventeen years old after all. She took a breath, but she was a little unsure about Lincoln helping her out by staying with him and her family for a little while. Lincoln himself didn't really know about this since this is a big house with a big family and his parents don't know if they would say yes to this kind of offer since they deal with eleven kids in their lives, which is a big handful enough to them as it as. The princess took in a breath, but Lincoln reassured her that it will be ok.

"I don't know about this, Lincoln." said Octavia. "Are you sure about this?"

"well, we can't kill for trying." said Lincoln. "They might or might not say yes, but we'll see. And, what if your dad finds out and tries to kill me for hiding you?"

"Then... i guess i will just have to stop my dad from doing so." Octavia sighed. "And i'm glad to have a friend like you."

"What about Loona?"

"I have... mostly mixed feelings about her." The Goetia princess admitted. "But, i am glad to have met her as well."

"Why don't you try to make other friends?"

"Well... i mostly like to keep myself secluded. I mean, it is hell, and i would expect most demons would want to be friends with me because of my high class lifestyle."

"You do have a nice chateau." said Lincoln.

"Thanks, until mum and dad argue and I just cannot take that any longer." Octavia frowned again. "I mean, who kind of person needs all of that bullshit? No one, that's for sure. Grr, why the fuck should I be in the middle of this kind of situation, since i'm a mistake that should have never existed, and my parents' marriage were only arranged." she sounded a little bitter and like she hated herself now.

"Come on, don't say that. Everything happens for a reason. And you are born for a reason."

"Yes, to become the worst mistake from my parents."

"Come on. Stolas really loves you. When was the last time he hugged you?"

Octavia made an uncomfortable look and admitted: "two days ago."

"Right. If he didn't love you, he wouldn't hug you at all. But what about your mom?"

That was when Octavia bowed her head and felt like crying. "Well... to tell you the truth," she said, "She never really hugged me at all."

Lincoln looked surprised at this kind of response. "But what about that painting of you in the palace? I saw your mom hug you."

"Yes, but that wasn't actually a real hug." the Goetia Princess admitted. "That was just for a royal reason. She never even says she loved me or said she was proud of me, not like what my dad would do."

Deep down, Lincoln thought: "i've heard of toxic parents, but this is ridiculous."

"You alright?"

"Yeah I was just thinking how messed up that your mother has never hugged you."

"Right? It would at least make me happy for her to at least show her that she loved me."

"Does she even acknowledge you at all?"

"Well I spend the weekends with her at my uncle Andrealphus' place. And we do have some conversations every once in a while. But I prefer not to talk about it right now."


They walked up to the house and Lincoln promptly opened the door. Octavia was a little nervous about meeting his family, even if she was in her magical human disguise.

"Oh, hey dude." Said Luna. "who's the cool chick?"

"Meet Octavia. She's one of Loona's friends... from Hazeltucky. Yep good old Hazeltucky."

"Oh not another one." Lynn complained.

"Lynn!" Said Rita. "Don't be rude."

"Nice to meet you." Said Lori. "I literally like your style."

Octavia smiled. "Thanks I guess."

"Yeah you look pretty." Said Lucy.

"Same, I think you have a cool style too, kid. Do you like morbid things?"

"Heh, how can I not?" Said Lucy.

Octavia smiled and took a little liking to Lincoln's goth sister.

"So what brings you here?" Asked Lynn Sr

Of course, Lincoln couldn't expose Hell to his own family and just began telling them about the kind of situation Octavia was having right now (without mentioning her and her family's royalty of course).

Everyone in the family sympathized with her in general and the sisters frowned as Lincoln told them about how Octavia feels worthless and a mistake to existence.

"So, yeah, she's going through so much."

Everyone was silent, but Rita said: "oh sweetie. We're very sorry that you feel this way."

"I know. I just can't deal with all that shit anymore."

"Whoa whoa whoa, language." Said Lynn Sr. "There are children here."

"Sorry. I am just fed up with my life right now."

"So can you guys help her?"

"As much as we would love to, the answer is no." Said Lynn Sr. "The house is full enough as it is."

"I was afraid you would say that." Said Lincoln.

"Yeah, sorry. But there's not enough room." Said Rita.

"Well remember when we took care of Flip when we accidentally hurt him?" Asked Leni. "He was in the attic."

"Yes, but you kids did it behind our backs." Rita scowled.

"Good point." Lola rolled her eyes to the right.

"But no. We're sorry. But the answer is still no."

"Well, I guess I will just find a bridge to live under or a dumpster to sleep in, even if I might smell like complete garbage."

"Well I know some raccoon friends that will help out."

"Lana!" The rest of the family scowled.

"There is no way she is living in a dumpster or with raccoons." Lincoln said. "A new idea came into his head. "You know what? Why didn't I think of this before?"

"What is it?" Asked Octavia.

"Maybe Clyde and his dads can help you out. They have a guest room."

"I don't know." Said the disguised Goetia princess.

"Come on, they have a nice house and he's more quiet than my sisters."

"Hey!" His siblings said in offense.

"Sorry guys. No offense." Lincoln chuckled nervously

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