Blitzo Can Be An Idiot

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A durian in the place? What was Blitzo thinking putting a so-called "king of fruits" in Verosika's office to make it smell like shit? Apparently, something spiteful and mean to want to do this.

"What's a durian?" asked Crystal

Gagging a little from the putrid odor, Lincoln said: "It's the stinkiest food in the world. It's spiky on the outside and the fruit is on the inside." He gagged again. "Someone online described the smell as a mix of moldy onions, turpentine, pig poop, and garnished with worn gym socks."

"Please don't describe anymore, Lincoln." said Loona. "You're gonna make me sick." she herself gagged.

"God it smells so bad. How can people even eat it?" Asked Vortex

"Where is it?" Verosika asked demandingly to Blitzo.

"OK, Ok, it's in your upper left drawer." Blitzo admitted.

Suddenly, the office door was open, revealing to be Moxxie and Millie. "Where the fuck is that smell coming from?!" Moxxie exclaimed. "Crumbs it smells so bad."

"I've smelt bad things, but this?" Millie added.

"Asked your boss, why don't you?" Said Verosika. "He put a durian in my office."

"A what?" said Moxxie

"I'll show you." Blitzo said. They all followed him into Verosikas' part of the buldking, and there was the rancid-smelling fruit, cut in half and showing the yellow fruit inside.

It smelled worse up close and personal. "How did you know what it was?" asked Serena to Lincoln.

"My sister experiments with many things. She even experimented with a durian six months ago, and we had to shower more times than usual. She even said that one time in Melbourne Australia, an entire university had to evacuate because of a rotten durian on campus.

"Gah! Blitzo!" Loona exclaimed as she grabbed him by the front of his shirt. "You fucking idiot! What were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking ways to piss of that Succu-bitch right here." He pointed at Verosika again.

"Well you did it, you gremlin!" Verosika pointed out.

"Blitzo, I should have a good mind to rip your face off and use it to wipe the shit off my ass!" Then Loona looked around "when I'm in the bathroom of course," the. She angrily turned towards Blitzo again.

"Loony, let's not make a scene." Blitzo begged.

"Too late!"

Looking at the durian, it didn't look rancid, even though it smelled like it. Curious, he took a small piece of the inner fruit and took a bite from it. "Hmmm... it's actually not so bad." he admitted. Everyone in the room looked at him.

"Lincoln, are you crazy?" Loona said to the boy. "Are you poisoning yourself?! You could be killed by eating that!"

"No, it's just a fruit. And it tastes like... like... banana, almonds, and caramel mixed together." Then he finished the rest of the piece.

"Really?" said Vortex in surprise. "Then why does it stink so bad?"

"I don't know." Lincoln admitted.

Moxxie couldn't help but faint at the sight of Lincoln eating that durian. Millie had to fan him to help him regain consciousness.

"seriously?" said Crystal. "It doesn't taste so bad?"

"Nope. But everyone has their tastes."

"You got us there." Crystal said.

"Looks like we're gonna have to close up close up shop for today." said Millie

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