Payback Prank

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In the morning after the concert, Lincoln was the first to get up and went downstairs to get himself some juice before getting in the shower for school, and the line was already long. Figures since there was about thirteen people living in this chaotic household. Alas, he managed to pull through and finally got himself in the shower, and brushing his teeth after he dried himself off. As soon as everyone had their breakfast of choice, Lynn Sr dropped off all the kids to their schools and it was going to be another good, normal day in school for Lincoln.

Sitting in Miss Johnson's class, Lincoln was sitting next to his best friend, Clyde, and he couldn't help but ask his best friend, "Have you been hangign out with Octavia recently?"

"Yeah, she is so cool!" Clyde said. "Thanks for introducing me to her."

"No problem." said Lincoln with a smile. "But," a frown appeared on his face. "Has her mom been giving you a hard time?"

"Well... one time, but i haven't seen Lady Stella as of late." Clyde admitted. "And i hope to not see her again, because i don't like her."

"Heh, who possibly can like her?" asked Lincoln with a chortle. "She needs to take a chill pill and not be so angry once in a while."

"What?" said a familiar voice from behind Lincoln. It was Lincoln's female best friend, Stella Zhau. "I never get angry at all."

"Oh no, no, not you." said Lincoln with a nervous chuckle. "This is a completely different Stella we are talking about. This one is the exact opposite of what you are."

"Yeah, this other Stella is not very nice." Clyde.

"That's an understatement." Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Stella, this other Stella we're talking about is totally not like you, and you do not want to meet her. Believe me."

"Ok." Stella smiled. "Is she mean?"

"Once again, that's an understatement." Lincoln said. "Look, let's just forget about what i said."

"Sure thing." Stella smiled.

Miss Johnson got her papers together, and said: "Alright class, today we are studying about Othello. A true novel classic from the one and only; William Shakespear. Now you are probably familiar with him as the man who wrote Macbeth and Romeo and Julliet, but Othello is another one of his most famous stories from those centuries ago."

After School

Lincoln came back to his house with Clyde tagging along with him to play some video games with him. It was just then Loona was waiting for Lincoln too, possibly wanting to tag along with Lincoln too. "Hey dork." Loona said

The boy became annoyed being called that. "I'm not a dork, Loona." he said

"Reading comic books, likes sci-fi stuff, superhero shit, yep. Definitely a dork."

"Come on, we had a good time together at the Guns N' Roses concert last night." Lincoln said.

"I know, it's just a name Lincoln. Lighten up. Besides, it wouldn't surprise me if your sisters called you that before. Shouldn't you be used to being called that?"

"Admittedly, yes. Especially Lynn calling me a dork." Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Not that i'm not happy to see you, but what brings you here?"

"Wondering if you want to grab a doughnut or some coffee with me." the hellhound said flatly.

"Well, we don't drink coffee, but doughnuts sound good." Lincoln smiled.

"Who am i kidding?" said Loona with an eye roll. "What would kids your age even drink coffee for anyway?" she got off the couch. "Oh! And i almost forgot." she pulled out a medium size box to the white-haired boy. "Package came for you. Just says it's from a R. A."

"Oh no." Lincoln said. "Ronnie Anne."before putting the box down. "What did she send me this time?" He slowly opened the box and saw that there was nothing. "Oh. Well I guess there's-"

suddenly, there came came out a mechanical hand holding a very stinky substance and threw it at Lincoln's face. "Oh no, not another one of Carlito's diapers! Gah! I need to wash my face." Then he ran upstairs to do just that.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Ronnie Anne's Lincoln's friend. But she is a prankster and she likes to prank him." Clyde pointed

"By throwing a full diaper in his face?" Loona looked mad. "That can poison him. That's kind of like saying she hates him."

As soon as Lincoln came back downstairs, he was approached by the female hellhound.

"You ok, Lincoln?" She asked him

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"How can a friend do that to you?" Asked Loona

"Well it's complicated. She used to be a bully but she is a very different person now. Ronnie Anne is cool."

"Well does she prank you often?"

"oh yeah. Many times." Lincoln smirked

"Well why not prank her back?"

"I don't want to hurt her." Lincoln pointed

"Well I've got an idea for a perfect payback prank that won't hurt her."

"What's that?"

"I'll be right back." She opened the grimwoir back to Hell and came back a few minutes later. "Here it is." Said Loona. "One bottle of ipecac syrup. Grab a water bottle and pour a few drops of this in the water."

"What's ipecac?" Asked Lincoln

"A syrup that makes people throw up a few times."

Looking a little unsure, Lincoln asked: "and this won't hurt her, right?"

"no, of course not." Loona said, "it will only make her throw up two or three times and that's all. It's a medicine that makes people throw up things poisonous or dangerous that they are by accident."

"Well... ok, but only because that was a disgusting prank she did on me." Lincoln said

"Wait a minute." Clyde stopped him. "What if it does hurt her?"

"I would never hurt her." Lincoln said. "The bottle says medical use."

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