Louds' Unexpected Guest

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In Lincoln's house, the boy was sitting on the sofa with his arms crossed, and looking nervous about what his parents might do for leaving that party all by himself, and ignoring his parents and sisters' calls before.

Rita and Lynn Sr were looking a little stern and Rita was the first to speak. "Lincoln," she said in a mildly stern voice. "Care to explain what is going on?"

He could not hide it in himself any longer. The jig was up, but Lincoln did have his confidence back, and wasn't feeling worthless anymore. Taking ina. Breath, he finally said: "guys, I'm sorry for running off like that. I didn't mean to make you guys worried sick."

"We were worried sick about you, Lincoln." said Lynn Sr.

"I know." Lincoln sighed.

"You left the party without saying a word to any of us." Rita added.

"I can explain everything." Lincoln assured his family.

"Ok then." Rita crossed her arms. "But we all want the truth."

"Yeah, no lying to us, dude." said the rocker sister

It was quiet for a moment before the boy cleared his throat. "Ok, I was feeling left out by you guys. I was feeling... that I am not a very special member of the family. You guys winning all these events: games, tournaments, getting gigs to perform live in front of people, blah blah blah, you name it." Lincoln placed his fists under his chin to rest it. "Just seeing all of you get all of this just makes me feel worthless and meaningless to this family in the first place. Plain ole me. A talentless loser with nothing to accomplish in the future."

"What?" said Lori. "That is literally crazy talk."

"Yeah, you may be a wimp sometimes," said Lynn, "and you may not be as strong or fast as me, but that doesn't make you a loser."

"You're just acting like one." Lucy said

"Dude, if you were a loser, you'd be a homeless man singing stray cat blues day and night."

"You could have just sit down and talk with us about what you were feeling." said Lana

"Quite right." Lisa concurred. In many internal conflicts, talking with friends or loved ones is a perfect solution to... let it all out of your body system."

"But you guys were so busy celebrating your accomplishments and rewards to probably even care." Lincoln looked away. "I didn't want to ruin it for you guys anyway. All I wanted was to be alone for a little while."

"You could have just said that to us, dum-dum." Said Lola. "That way we wouldn't have to waste our time looking for you when we thought you were lost, or abducted or whatever."

"Look, the kid was in good hands."

"Do you mean paws?" said Luan, "speaking of paws: how did the Labrador retriever react when he saw a scary lake monster? Because he was terrier-fied!" She began laughing when she felt her mouth blocker by a toilet plunger to keep her quiet by Loona, clearly looking unamused

"Don't even go there." Loona warned. "That's the second most godawful joke I have heard all day."

Luan had a look of pure disgust on her face.

"Oh relax, little clown." Loona rolled her eyes. "It's a clean plunger."

the comedian sister sighed in relief.

"Well Lincoln," said Rita, "we understand what is going on, and we wish you would have talked to us about this."

Lincoln bowed his head again. "Am I still going to be punished?" He asked meekly

"Oh yes." Lynn Sr said. "You had us worried sick, and what you dad cannot and will not go unpunished."

"That's right." Rita agreed. "Which is why the punishment is..." she paused "no reading comic books or hanging out with your friends outside of the house for the next three days"

"OK. Wait, does that include hanging out with Loona and her friends in Hell?" Lincoln asked

"Yes." said Lynn Sr flatly. "No hanging out with them outside of the house either."

"Alright then." Lincoln said.

"Don't worry, we can still hang inside your house while you're grounded." Loona tried to cheer him up.

Lincoln smiled at her. "Thanks Loona." He said. He was about to hug the female hellhound again, but she gently pushed him away with an annoyed look on her face. "Oh, right. Not a hugger." He remembered.

"So you losers wanna see how Lincoln did at the gig before?" Loona offered her he family. They all said yes and she pulled out her phone to show everyone the video of how Lincoln did in that amphitheater. As usual, like the other videos Loona showed them before, the family was impressed with Lincoln's impressive talents in his singing.

"Nice going, sport." Said Lynn sr happily.

"Ever thought of being on American Idol?" Lori suggested

"Should I be on American Idol?" Lincoln said.

There was a loud "yes!" From his family members in an excited tone of voice.

"Well... I can give it a shot."

"There's not a lot of good music performed on American idol." Said Loona. "If you want my advice, try a place where you can do heavier stuff, something like Luna here does."

"Ooh, I think I know a place." Said Luna. "When you're not grounded anymore, I can have you do co-vocals with me for the Moon Goats."

"Cool." Lincoln smiled. "I'll wait."

Two days later

it was just one more day before Lincoln wouldn't be grounded anymore. Lincoln was done picking up Charles' poop, although he was under servailence from his dad since he isn't really allowed to be outside the house house while he is grounded without being with his parents.

"Ok Lincoln, good job." said Lynn Sr. "Come on back inside and I'll give you your favorite, hame and cheese omelette."

"Nice!" Lincoln cheered. He ram back inside and waited for his food. Suddenly, Loona came on the kitchen with the book in her hand.

"Lincoln!" She said. "This is embarrassing, but I fucking need your help."

"what'a Wrong?" Lincoln asked. "Is someone out to kill you?"

"pfft. No." Loona scoffed. "If someone was out to kill me, I would just rip the heads off their bodies. I'm trying to get away from as much female demons in Hell as possible."


"Well, Verosika has a bad case of EQD."

"EQD?" Asked Lincoln

"Short for: Excessive Queef Disease."

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