Lincoln Still Gets the Girls

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Loona was starting to be a little unsure about this kind of jacket or if Lincoln will like it or not. Of course, Blitzo spent it with his credit card and not Loona, and he would do anything for his precious adopted daughter. Who can possibly resist Loona's serious "please" face after all? Lincoln and Clyde were scheduled to come spend some time with Loona and Octavia after school today, so it would be the perfect opportunity for the female hellhound to give Lincoln the awesome-looking jacket.

"You wanna come with me, Blitzo?" Loona offered him

"Won't I embarrass you?" Blitzo asked. "I thought you don't like me to come to you and your friends' usual get togethers because you're worried I would embarrass you?"

"Well this is just us, Lincoln, Clyde, Via, and the dumbass couple themselves." Loona said. "And... you are Lincolns' friend too, and I didn't want you to feel so... left out. Plus I thought it would be a nice way to get away from Stolas fawning all over you."

Blitzo let out an annoyed groan. "Tell me about it. Why can't that rich asshole just leave me alone for once? What is it going to take for him to see I do not and I mean not want to be his own living sex toy for fuck sake?"

"Hate to break it to you, Blitzo, but... I don't think he can think of other people besides you."

"I wish that wasn't true." Blitzo narrowed his eyes as he was thinking negatively about Stolas some more. "What Stolas needs is to get a fucking life! Though, he is fun to dominate and he knows how to dominate someone in return. His beak can make a pleasurable fellatio for me admittedly. The way he sucks it dry like a prune,"

"Gah! Don't get descriptive, you fucking moron!" Said Loona in disgust. "Keep it between yourselves!"

"Sorry." Blitzo said in a meek voice.

The female hellhound pulled out the grimwoir and she teleported herself to Lincoln's bedroom, whom was already waiting for her and Clyde with him. "Hey Linc, Cldye." she said

"Hi Loona." both boys said.

"What's in the box?" asked Lincoln

"That... is a surprise. But wanna come to Blood Burger with me?"

"I can go for some dinner." Clyde smiled. "But i don't have to eat any guts or organs, or drink blood do I?"

"No, that's fucking ridiculous." said Loona. "All of those are just optional sides. We demons know as much as the next guy that humans can't really drink blood, or eat raw organs, unless you want to get tapeworms."

Clyde sighed in relief. "And, i am allergic to some foods."

"By the looks of you," the female hellhound said, "it wouldn't surprise me... no offense, Clyde. So come on, burgers are on me." the two boys followed Loona through the portal and they were both in Blitzo' apartment now.

"Hey kiddos. Had a good day at school?" asked Blitzo

"We did." Lincoln smiled. "Haven't seen Chandler recently."

"heh, thanks to me," Loona smirked. "You should have seen the look on that twerps' face when I scared the shit out of him, Blitzo."

"I wish I was there." Said the imp.

While walking down to the restaurant, Lincoln couldn't help but feel being watched from someone without being noticed, he stopped for a second and looked at his surroundings

There was no one in sight.

"Hey Lincoln," Loona called out. "You doing ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lincoln said, running up to his three friends to catch up. "Thought I was being watched back there. Like someone was stalking me."

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