Scaring Chandler Off

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This little pub looked nice and Lincoln saw some demons getting drunk at the bar section of this nightclub. Unsurprisingly, some of the demons were looking at Lincoln since they had never seen a a human before.

One muscular hell cat went up to Lincoln with a knife behind him. "Excuse me, kid." said he. "Could you spare a quarter by any chance?"

Lincoln looked intimidated and afraid of this, obviously knowing what was going on. "Ummmm, I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me." He realized that he shouldn't have said those words, especially what happened the last time he was being mugged. The scarier part of this one was; she wasn't really here to save him this time. For the female hellhound was talking with Lincolns' sister Luna about cool albums and music she should listen to. The female hellhound was suggesting some kickass metal bands that Luna should look into when she gets the chance in return. For she was taking a liking to Lincoln's third eldest sister for her style and music taste.

Then he felt the large cat demon pick him up by his orange shirt. "I think you're lying, twerp." he said with his four friends with him. "Now just give me the mullet and I won't have to shove this right up your-"

The cat demon felt his body sliced in half by Millie and her large double-blades axe, immediately loosing grip on the kid. He was impressed

"She's a maniac!" said one of the other four demon thugs that looked like a dragon. "Get her, boys!" It was just then Moxxie jumped in front of his lovely wife and had his two pistols on him.

"not so fast, fuckers." Said Moxxie. "Eat lead and suck my cock!" then he opened fired and in a few seconds of rapid firing, the four demons dropped dead with the smell of blood in the air.

The bar owner looked surprised but then said; "meh, whatever. Happens all the time. I'll get rid of the bodies later."

Lincoln looked a little mortified, but they were demons and they were trying to possibly kill him in a gruesome manner. "Are you ok, Lincoln"? Asked Moxxie

"I'm fine, thanks to you guys."

"Did they hurt you?" Asked Millie.

"No. The leader just grabbed me by the shirt but he didn't hurt me. Thanks to you guys again."

The two imps smiled gratefully at the boys' kindness to them. "Don't mention it, honey." said Millie, gently patting his white hair. "If Loona were here, she would have just tore them apart limb from limb."

"But she is with his sisters right now." said Moxxie. "And besides, we can be just as powerful as she is. Did you see how you gutted that guy with your ax?"

"I am a natural born killer, Mox-Mox." Millie purred before she and Moxxie began making out and even wrestling each other's tongues, making Lincoln look a little disgusted. Despite that, he can see that Moxxie and Millie were meant for each other and that they had every reason to be married. After five seconds of doing tongue, the two imps broke off their kiss.

"Sorry, Lincoln." said Moxxie. "Millie is just an awesome kisser."

"Aw, you're just being nice, baby." his wife pointed while blushing.

"You know," said Lincoln, "for being demons in Hell, you guys have a healthy relationship."

"Thanks." said Moxxie. "A lot of people say that. But, i'll show you how good I am at my guitar." he pulled out his acoustic ax and went on stage. Some demons recognized him did small cheering in the pub. He began playing his guitar and it was a nice melody. "Oh what a thrill when the Crimson starts to spill." he said. "When my Millie goes in for the Kill."

Lincoln liked the sound of it, even though it sounded evil and twisted in a way. He enjoyed it either way, and this was Hell so, he would never be able to think otherwise in this kind of world. He was offered a drink by one of the waiters of the pub, but he said: "Oh, i can't drink Alcohol yet."

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