Cure For Biccups

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"Buuuurrrp!" Loona continued having her "biccups" erupt from her system. To her, this was so embarrassing. Her burps were enough to mildly make the ground shake like a brief earthquake. It was even powerful enough to knock some of Flip's merchandise off the shelves as well, and break some objects filled with glass.

"good gravy!" Flip said. "What the heck was that?"

"Nothing." said Lincoln and Loona in unison. "Just have a bad case of hiccups." The female disguised hellhound added

"Oh dear. Well you've come to the right place if you wanna get rid of them." He pulled out a toxic waste barrel and it had some glowing green liquid in it. "Vegetable juice max. Made with dried moss, plants, cactuses and other green stuff."

"Fuck nah!" Loona said. "That looks like it can poison someone."

"Poison?" Flip said. "Now where would you get something like that?"

"Don't listen to him, Loona." Said Lincoln. "Never trust Flip's 'medical professions'. Ever."

"we'll figure out a way to get rid of the- buuurrrp!" The disguised hellhound hiccuped again, making the ground slightly shake again. "Come one, squirt, let's get out of here."

"Maybe my sisters can help you."

"Right, that little genius sister of yours." Loona remembered. "But I am not having her probe me or dissect me or any crazy shit like that." She heard a woman gasp and she had a kid with her, clasping his ears in anger and walking away. "What are you looking at, you slut?" The female hellhound just retorted at her.

The mother just walked away in anger. "Don't worry, Lisa can do almost anything... except make arts and crafts."

Loona couldn't help but laugh. "And yet she is a little girl? How embarrassing."

"Yeah, even Lisa has a weakness." Walking down a few blocks, Lincoln heard another biccup from the disguised demon. "Whoa. Maybe you should try holding your breath."

"Meh. Why not?" Loona took in a very deep breath and after exactly second seconds, it sounded like her biccups were gone. However, she let out another "BUUUUUURRRRRRRP!" From herself. A longer, and more powerful one that made many car horns go off and people falling on the pavement and streets, and cyclists falling or flipping over. It even made a car go radically off-course and crash into a fire hydrant, and the airbag went off at the driver. "Oops." Loona said.

Worriedly, she and Lincoln hurriedly went all the way to the Loud residence to try and figure out a way to get rid of Loona's biccups, leaving everyone looking around and exclaiming words of confusion. Good thing they didn't know what Loona's real species was, or there would have been a big problem.

Loona let another another biccup from her system and it made the trees nearby rumble. "We need to do something about this." Lincoln said

"No shit, Sherlock." Loona rolled her eyes. "Good thing Tex isn't around seeing me like this right now."

"Come on, he's one of your closest friends."

"Exactly. It would be embarrassing to do it in front of your best friends." Loona pointed. "But hopefully, that nerdy sister of yours can "Buuuurrp!"

"Don't worry. she can try to help you any way she can." Lincoln said. Loona didn't have her expression changed. She just had her usual, blank expression on her face.

In the house, Lana said: "I swear, it was like an earthquake. How else would the ground shake?"

"Maybe Lynn's burping or farting?" asked Lori

Lynn gave the eldest sister a glare. "Hey, my farts or burps are not that powerful! Or, maybe it was you! We know about your secret farts, Lori." the eldest sister gave the sports girl a glare of her own

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