Heavenly Time With Two Succubi

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The cauldron jacuzzi water slightly bubbling was such paradise for the two human boys. The green water was so soothing to their sensitive human skin and they wished that they could never leave this place no matter what.

"This is the life." Clyde sighed in relief.

"I know, i can be in this hot tub all day," Lincoln agreed. He was sitting inbetween Loona and Verosika while Clyde was sitting with Loona on another side, and Katie sitting to the other side of Clyde. As For Octavia she was on the far on of the jacuzzi, looking a little uncomfortable being in the presence of Katie and her sister. For both boys, it was absolute paradise for them. In a hot tub with beautiful ladies. What more can a boy want in his life?

"You ok, princess?" Asked Verosika. "You seem a little quiet."

"Yeah, you don't look like you are having a good time." Said Katie. "I can get you some fresh lemonade. Hard or regular."

Octavia let out a small chuckle and said: "I can take regular lemonade, but if my dad found out that I drank some hard lemonade, he would probably have a nervous breakdown, so would my mom. When she is pissed, she is like a screaming banshee."

"Take it from me," said Clyde. "She wanted to separate me and her daughter because I was not famous or rich enough to be her friend."

"What?" Verosika looked shocked. "That is fucked up." Then she made a scowl. "Them Goetias are a bunch of pretentious pussies, aren't they Clyde?"

"Not all of them." He admitted. "Octavia is cool and so is her dad."

"Well I don't know if my dad is a cool kind of guy." Octavia rolled her eyes. "But at least he does love me. But yeah, many members of my family think they are better than everyone else because of their Goetia blood line."

"Well you are alright." Katie smiled. "You are always welcomed here in my chateau."

"Thank you." Said Octavia. "And... I'm a big fan of you, Katie, and so of you, Verosika."

"Oh, you are too kind, sweetie." Katie looked flattered.

"Anything for my fans." Verosika added, giving the Goetia princess a hug.

"Thank you," Octavia smiled.

"You guys aren't the biggest Goetia fans either?" Lincoln asked the Succubus sisters. "Why do you hate most of them?"

"What's not to hate about most of them?" Said Verosika with an eye roll. "Like Via here mentioned, many of them think they are fucking better than us lower demons. But, alas, they pay damn good money for me to perform in pubs and nightclubs."

"I was just about to say the same thing, Verosika." Katie pointed.

"I wonder why Stella is kind of angry all the time." Said Lincoln. "Like... did something happen in her life to make her sound so... unforgiving?"

Octavia made an uncomfortable look on her face. "I asked my mum the same thing, but she says she hates to talk about it. She hates talking about it way more than she hates my dad. Mum even made me swear to never ask about it again."

It was getting awkward inside of here now, "look, don't let it get to you, Octavia." Said Loona. "If you're trying to change her, then don't. You can't convince some people that their titties are gone."

Letting out a small laugh, Octavia said: "I know. She never really found the time to hang out with me so much anyway. But at least dad tries to help me."

"You know what you need?" Asked Verosika. "The massages me and my sis told you about."

"Sure, why not?" Said Lincoln.

Both boys got on the massage mats, resting their bellies, and resting their chins on the soft pads as well.

Cracking both of their knuckles, the Succubus sisters gently laid their hands on the boys' naked backs and their hands were very warm and gentle as they were doing their stuff. Both Lincoln and Clyde sighed as they were given this nice treatment from the ladies. Verosika was massaging Lincoln and Katie was massaging Clyde.

"if Rusty was here," said Lincoln, looking at his friend, "it would be a dream come true for him."

"He was always looking for ladies." Clyde smiled.

"So, Verosika,"

"Yes, Linky?" Asked the Succubus

"Where did you get Vortex as your bodyguard?"

"Well, it was about ten years ago, and I saved him from that shitty pound." The pop star explained. "He... didn't have friends because every hellhound in their was afraid of his bulky appearance. I knew that he just needed to put those muscles of his to good use."

"So, he is your son?" Asked Clyde

"What? No. He's just... a friend of mine. That's all, honey."

"Look at you two boys." Said Katie with a warm smile. "You guys were meant to be best friends."

"Yep, we're definitely like brothers." Said Lincoln. "Clyde understands me, and we always help each other."

"Clincoln McCloud." Said Clyde as he fist-bumped his best friend.

"Clincoln McCloud?" said Katie before letting out a small laugh. Verosika also made a laugh. "Cute."

"Kind of a silly name." Verosika said

"I know, it's a dorky name." Loona smiled.

"We're not dorks!" Both boys said in unison.

"Come on, I'm just fucking with you guys." said the female hellhound.

"You are kind of dorks." Octavia admitted with a smirk. "The comic books, the video games, you name it."

"You're not making fun of us for that, are you?" Asked Clyde, looking a little embarrassed.

"No, no, of course not," said Octavia. "Just because someone calls another person a dork, it doesn't always mean a bad thing, Clyde."

"Just look at you two." Loona smirked at the two human boys as they were enjoying their massage with her arms crossed. "Enjoying some nice time with sexy girls and given a massage from two of the most famous succubi in Hell."

"So, Clyde," said Verosika, "What do you think of Hell?"

"Honestly," the boy began to answer. "Not exactly what I thought it would be. I mean, i'm glad it's not a land of eternal torture and damnation. But it still looks a little... rough."

"Hmm, that would be an understatement" said Katie. "It can still be dangerous down here if you're not careful, Clyde. But as long as you are hanging with the right kind of crowd, you'll be just fine."

"So there isn't a place where the most evil souls go to?" Clyde asked curiously

"There is," said Loona. "in the Dungeon of Damnation. There, it's where the fuckers who have done the most evil things throughout history. Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Al Capone, Leopold the third, you name it if you are a history wiz. And they endure so many kinds of torture and mutilation. I could tell you the kind of things they would endeavor for the rest of their afterlives, but i don't want to give you nightmares or scar you for life."

"Thank you." said Clyde.

The massaging continued on for ten minutes and the sisters switched places with Verosika massaging Clyde and Katie massaging Lincoln.

"Still, i think it's way better than places like Eritrea or North Korea." Clyde admitted, "And North Sentinel Island."

Both succubus sisters laughed. "Cute, and funny." said Verosika. "Just like your best friend here."

"I am so glad to have met you, Clyde." Katie added. "You guys have so much in common."

"Like i said," said Lincoln, "we're like brothers."

"You can say that again." said Loona. "And Lincoln, i know i might have said this before, and... i don't wanna say this again, but i'm glad to have met you and known you."

"Thank you." Lincoln sounded touched. "And i'm glad to have you as a friend, Loona."

"Don't push it." the female hellhound narrowed her eyes at him with her arms crossed.

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