Consequences Of a Prank

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Lincoln was looking at the lousy five dollar bill that Barbie Wire gave him for the job he helped her complete. He was sitting on the couch with his worried family, and Loona sitting next to him. "So Blitzo' sisters kidnapped you so you can help her get as much drugs and she can get her hands on?" asked Lynn Sr.

"Yes, she had a gun on her. She would probably kill me if i didn't do what she says. And, i didn't kill anyone, i promise."

"We know you wouldn't kill anyone, honey." said Rita. "We understand what happened, and we're not mad at you." then she hugged her only son. "All that matters is that you're safe and sound." then the rest o the family hugged Lincoln close to them.

"And we have you to thank, Loona." said Luna. "Dude, you and that excellent sense of smell."

Loona looked bored as usual, and crossed her arms. "Don't push it."

"Woona!" Lily exclaimed as she was walking over to the female hellhound. "Woona!" she opened her arms, looking like she wanted to hug her for saving her only brother. Pawing Loona's furry legs with her tiny little hands, Lily felt herself being gently picked up by the female hellhound.

"Whoa there, little tike." said Loona. "Not a hugger, remember?" then she gently gave her to Lynn Sr to hold.

"And i didn't do any drugs on me, I promise."

"We know you wouldn't do that." Lori said. "You're better than that."

"Loona, we can't thank you enough for helping our son... again." said Rita

"No need to thank me." the female hellhound rolled her eyes.

"Well, now that that's over," said Lynn Sr, "i suppose it's back to bed now." he yawned and went back to the master bedroom with his wife, and the kids went back upstairs to sleep for the rest of the night, and Loona went back into Hell with the grimwoire so she can go to bed. She looked back to where the portal was and smiled back, thinking about Lincoln, and how safe he was because of her, her friends, and unbearable coworkers.

When she meets Barbie Wire again, Loona will give her a piece of her mind, but on the other hand; she is Blitzo' twin sister, and Blitzo still loves her, despite the fact that Barbie wants no shit from him anymore. Can Blitzo try and make amends with his own estranged sister? Or will Barbie Wire just hate him forever? Maybe this is something both these fucked up siblings will have to figure out for themselves. Some things take time ater all.

The Next Morning

Having some of his dad's signature Belgian waffles for breakfast, Lincoln was enjoying his morning, and the waffles tasted so yummy for his taste buds. And what good are waffles without maple syrup and a dash of butter on it? Lincoln was also listening to some metal music Loona introduced to him before, and he was growing more fond of this amazing music genre. Putting his headphones down to get some more orange juice from the fridge, and drank a few sips.

It was just then he heard a knock on the front door, and it sounded a little rough the first three times, like someone angry was trying to kick it down. Walking over to it, he heard more knocking. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Lincoln exclaimed. As he opened the door, he was surprised to see Ronnie Anne, and her entire family looking extremely made. Ronnie Anne herself looked rather pale like a newborn donkey, and was holding a large bucket in front of her, filled with... vomit?

"Lincoln, you-! Hack!" she began coughing into the the bucket like she was about to violently throw up again. "You poisoned me!"

"What?" Lincoln said. "What are you talking about?" he began to panic a little.

"You should know!" then she felt something unpleasant arise in her belly, and threw up in the bucket, with Maria, her mother, comforting her by patting her daughter on the back. "Got that's not good."

"What happened to you?" Lincoln asked, looking concerned about his friends' well-being.

"Your water bottle poisoned me." Ronnie Anne pointed. "I've never felt so sick and horrible in my entire life."

"What did you do?!" said Bobby, looking infuriated at Lincoln. "My sister looks terrible! What have you done?!"

"Bobby!" Maria said, trying to calm her elder child. "I will handle this." turning to Lincoln, she asked: "Lincoln, what happened? What did you do to Ronnie Anne?"

It was just then, the rest of the family heard the commotion and walked up to the front door. "What's going on here?" asked Leni

"Ask him!" then Ronnie Anne continued heaving and vomiting some more.

"Oh my gosh." said Lori. "Ronnie Anne, are you ok?"

"No! I feel like Lalo's butt!" she replied before coughing some more.

"Lincoln gave her something that sent her to the hospital." Maria said.

"Hospital?" Lincoln said in shock.

"Lincoln, what is going on, dude?" asked Luna.

"Well... i have no idea." Lincoln lied, hoping he wouldn't get in trouble. "This is a prank Ronnie Anne is trying to pull on me."

"Lincoln." Rita said in a stern voice.

"Alright, alright!" Lincoln said. "I pulled a prank on her."

"What kind of prank?" asked Lynn Sr

"Well she started it." the white-haired boy pointed to his female friend. "He sent me a loaded diaper as a present, and it was disgusting, and i decided to make it even by sending her this drink or cough syrup."

"What kind of cough syrup?" Asked Arturo.

"Something called Ipe- Ipe... gah, I forgot what it's called.

"Wait..." Lisa recognized. "Ipecac?!" she looked shocked herself. "Are you out of your narrow-headed mind?!"

"Ipecac!?" Maria herself sounded shocked since she is a nurse. "Where did you even get that?"

"What's Ipecac?" asked Lynn Jr.

"It's some kind of cough syrup that helps vomit out anything someone accidentally eats which is dangerous or poisonous." Lincoln remembered. "It's suppposed to make someone throw up two or three times and no more than that."

"Oh ho, i was throwing up way more than two or three times, Lincoln." Ronnie Anne said. "My stomach feels like it's on fire."

Lincoln was starting to look extremely guilty about this prank, seeing how poisoned his friend looked.

"I had to go to the emergency room... three times! And i was throwing up fifty times." Ronnie Anne tried to keep her balance. "Oh no, here comes another!" then she thre up in her bucket once more. "Make that fifty-one times. And i had to drink more water than my body can contain, and i felt like an alien was going to pop out of my stomach, and my brain feels like it's going to pop out of my face!"

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