More Time In Hell

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The distant sounds of cars honking in the streets in Hell like this were rather annoying. But alas, there was probably no such thing as police down here, and that meant someone could get murdered and no one would probably even care if there would be dead bodies scattered or piled up like a termite mound.

Another thing that wouldn't be surprising is that Hell would smell like piles of gym socks or open sewers.

Lincoln was glad he doesn't live in a world like this. It boosted him to make him live a good life and do good things and not be a bad person.

"I gotta hand it to you, Loona." Said Lincoln, "you weren't kidding when you said Hell is not exactly like what many people thought it was."

"I rarely joke, kid." Loona smirked. "It is definitely not a lake of fire of eternal torment or suffering where people are malnourished."

"Right. But I guess there are no police down here?"

"There are, but they would mostly just to keep anyone from entering places like Satan's castle or the Goetia palaces."


"Yeah, they are a family of Uber rich assholes that think they are better than every fucking demon down here." Loona had a tone of disdain in her voice. "One of the most powerful kinds of demons down here and very privileged."


"They may sound cool, but they are the worst of the worst. Well... except for one."


"Stolas. He's the one who Blitzo is... hanging out with."


"Yeah, if Blitzo never slept with him, I wouldn't be able to visit the living world."

"Wait, he slept with him?"

"Long story. You probably don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid and unheard of."

"I wonder how this place can sustain all the dead people down here." Lincoln looked out the window. "All the bad people dead from fighting in wars, African and Asian dictators, terrorists,"

"Here's an interesting thing." Said Loona. "There is not just one part of Hell, but many rings of it. The Pride, Greed, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Sloth, and Hate ring."

"Like Dante's Inferno?"

"Exactly. But it's seven instead of nine."


"But the dammed souls are condemned to the Pride Ring for some reason."

"So, Loona, how come you don't have any other friends?"

The hellhound looked irritated at Lincoln, and raised her right eyebrow to him. "Well, Blitzo doesn't count as my friend because he's my dad... only on paper. Tex is just very likable. And... I'm terrible with making friends, ok?! There! I said it, you happy?!"

Lincoln was taken aback by how Loona just bursted into anger like that, and Loona immediately saw the error of her ways. She let out a sigh. "Sorry." She said. "I have a thing for getting angry."

"No, it's ok. My sister Lola can be quite the angry one."

"Heh, yeah I noticed." Loona smiled, "she's a spoiled kid without proper discipline."

"Heh, newsflash." Said Lincoln sarcastically. "She has a reputation for getting her own way. But, I'm used to seeing Lola angry. And, I've seen scarier things than you."

Loona couldn't help but chuckle. "Well with a family like that, I can imagine you have."

"Maybe if my family was actually a circus, it would probably go big."

"Yeah, why am I not surprised? I think you would be a good ringmaster." She gave him a gentle arm punch.

Lincoln chuckled and said: "yeah, I could make a lot of money being the ringmaster of my own family. Maybe even buy myself a private airport."

"So are you popular as a kid in school?"

"Well..." Lincoln paused. "Not really popular, but I do have friends. My best friend is Clyde. He is a very good cook and makes the best desserts. You should see his cakes. And he is the best kind of friend anyone can ever ask for. He loves Ace Savvy like I do and David Steele like I do."

"Ah, so you're both nerds and dorks."

"What? I'm not a dork!" Said Lincoln. "I am a cool guy and I pull off the coolest magic tricks for everyone to see on stage."

"Oh wow, magic. Sounds dazzling." Loona sounded rather sarcastic to him on that subject. "Maybe you can learn how to cut my body in two, or make me disappear into thin air." Then she had an idea. "Can you make Moxxie disappear?"

"But I thought you and Moxxie were friends?"

"Friends with that annoying little shit? Please. He and his wife are just coworkers I have to I put up with while at my job. I wouldn't even be caught dead being friends with Those fucktards."

"Well, they don't seem to have a problem with me." Lincoln pointed.

"Yeah because you're a kid and you can be vulnerable."

Lincoln was silent for a moment, but ultimately asked: "How long have you and Tex been friends?"

"For a couple of months now. Meeting him was one of the best days of my life. And he works for Verosika Mayday."

"Wait, that pop star?" Asked Lincoln. "I don't really like her music."

"Eh, we all have our tastes. I don't really like she shitty tunes either."

"Wait, she's a demon?"

"A succubus."

Lincoln looked shocked to hear that. He has heard about how enticing her voice is, but her being a sex-driven demon? This caught him by surprise. "So she can turn into a human like you can."

"Pretty much."

"Well, I think I'll stick to these guys over her." He looked at the Black Label Society Album.

"Good on you." Then she had an idea. "You know what, there's also another person I want you to meet."


"Octavia. She's Stolas' daughter, and... she's going through a shitty situation right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Stolas' wife, Stella, is a literal cunt and Stolas finally wants to divorce her."

"Ooh, so Octavia's put in the middle?"

"Pretty much. And, she is one of my friends, and she might think you're a little cool like I do."

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