Worthless Or Special?

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Lincoln and Clyde were back in the hot tub and they still wish they never had to leave this wonderful little jacuzzi. Young Octavia was also the time of her life inside the cauldron jacuzzi. SUddenly, Loona heard her phone go out from a text message, and picked it up to see what it was about. Reading it, her eyes grew wide for a second. "Oh shit, that's something."

"What is it?" asked Verosika

"Blitzo and Fizzaroli made up and are friends again." the female hellhound put her phone down after that. "Never thought it would happen, but hey, they're friends again."

"What were they even enemies for?" asked Lincoln. "The last time i saw them, they hated each other, and they... looked like they wanted to kill each other."

"Heh, how can we not remember?" said the female hellhound. "They were like two roosters in a cock fight." Loona couldn't help but snicker at what she said. "Just imagine them as roosters."

Both Verosika and Katie laughed at what Loona said. "Yeah, just them squawking like a pair of bitchy skanks and clawing at each other like stray cats." the pop succubus pointed with a smirk. "It would be very funny as Hell... no pun intended."

"Pfft, like i've never heard that before." Katie smugly rolled her eyes. "You always were terrible with jokes, sister."

Verosika made a small growl at her slightly older twin sister. "Yeah well you always had a terrible way of making music."

Katie just made a small growl at her in return. "Cunt." she flatly said to Verosika

Looking even more offended, Verosika was gritting her teeth in fury like she was about to have a bad seizure or an anyeurism. "I told you not to call me that! that is the worst thing that can ever be said to a woman!"

"Mom always loved you best." Katie frowned in a bitter voice.

"Well dad always loved you best!" Verosika retorted

"Ok, Ok, OK!" Loona intervened once again. "Come on, there are kids here for Satans' sake." She waved her hand towards Lincoln, Clyde, and Octavia to make her point.

Both the succubus sisters sighed and flatly apologized to the three. "So, Lincoln," said Katie, "ever thought about singing at a club or a pub by any chance?"

"By the sound of his voice," said Verosika, "Linky might be fit enough to sing to larger crowds in stadiums or ampitheaters." she pulled Lincoln close to him with her warm left arm around his shoulders, giving him a rather warm feeling. "What do you think, sweetie? Ever thought about playing a stadium or an ampitheater?"

Having his thinking face on, Lincoln finally said: "Well, i've always been told to start out small like in pubs or clubs."

"Perhaps," said Katie. "But you have a ton of potential, Lincoln. You remember how much those people love your singing voice. How they chanted your name, wanting an encore from you?"

Thinking some more, Lincoln admitted, "I do remember that," and a small smile. "They loved my voice.

"There you go," said Katie, gently pulling him close to her now. "So what do you say, baby? Wanna give it a try in the stadium?"

"Well, i think i'll just start at clubs for now." Lincoln admitted

"That's perfectly ok with us, Link." said Katie, hugging her close to him, and her breasts began gently pushing against his face. Loona smirked as her human friend was being smothered by a sexy woman once again.

"Honestly," said the female hellhound, "I agree with them. you should put your talent to good use by performing in public places more often." then she made a pause. "Though you should get a vocal coach too."

"Who needs a vocal coach?" said Verosika

"Sure, that's easy for you to say." said Via, "you're a succubus and you are all gifted with a beautiful singing voice to woo humans to..." she looked at the two human boys, "have your way with them."

"Guilty." Katie sang.

"But humans don't have that magical gift like you both do." Via continued.

"She's not wrong." Loona pointed. "I don't want Lincoln to permanently ruin his voice without at least some training. Not like Axl Rose or Steven Tyler."

"Well, Axl is different." said Katie. "He was never careful, and he sounded like someone's grandma on steroids most of the time."

Loona couldn't help but laugh. "True. Now he probably has to deal with the worst kind of sore throat for the rest of his life. But i don't want Lincoln to suffer the same fate as Axl. These days Axl can't hit that range in singing anymore."

"Well he is getting older." said Clyde. "I've read that age can affect your voice too. Isn't he like in his fifties?"

"Sixty-one actually." Verosika pointed.


The Next Day

Lincoln was reading some more comic books in his underwear on the sofa again. The door suddenly barged and it revealed to be Lola with a large trophy. "Guess who won her one-hundredth paegant in a row trophy!" she sang.

"One hundred paegants?" said Lincoln in disbelief

"Yep! And i am going to put this baby in a special case so no one can touch it. That means you, Lincoln." she even gave him the "I'm watching you" gesture with her right hand before going upstairs to take care of her large trophy. Just as when the front door closed, Leni barged in the house with an excited look on her face.

"EEEE!" she squealed in joy. "I got employee of the month for the fiftith time! zmy newest fur coat design is a best-selling hit!" she let out a small squeal again, and ran upstairs to presumably work on the idea she just announced.

Luna bursted through the door after and was with her bandmates, the Moon Goats. "Whooooo! We got a gig at the Thomas Jefferson Resort and Ampitheatre, baby!" she and her bandmates let out a long bleating sound that sounded similar to goats, as their band name implies.

As these were announced, Lincoln wondered if he was special too. Sure, his sisters did tell him that he was a special boy back in Scotland, but did they mean it? Was he actually just as talented as his own sisters? or was he feeling like a black sheep of this family?

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