Calming Clyde

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Clyde's jaw was agape and could hardly believed what he just witness a few seconds ago. "So, Loona is... actually a werewolf?" He asked

Loona looked annoyed and made a small growl. "Why does everyone keep saying that?!" She said in an exasperated voice. "I am a Hellhound for fuck sake!"

Lincoln's own best friend couldn't help but faint, on the ground. "Oh no, no, no, stay with me, buddy." Lincoln tried shaking his faint friend.

"Oh Satan, I hope I didn't kill him." Loona muttered. "Is he dead?" She pretended to sound apathetic as ever.

"No. he's not dead. I don't know how looking at a very scary demon girl can make someone die."

"Pfft, thanks. Girls love hearing that." Loona sarcastically remarked.

"oh. I'm sorry." Lincoln realized he said the wrong kind of words to her.

"no, don't worry about it." The female hellhound sighed. "I've been called worse. Clyde was still faint after watching Loona transform back into her real hellhound form. Lincoln was still fanning his best friend and giving him some air and oxygen to regain consciousness. Loona was on the other side of Clyde and looking worried about if this kid will just blab away Hell to everyone else in the world. Of course, she didn't really care if Clyde would die or if anything bad would happen to him since if he was probably still alive, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone that Hell exists.

"This is bad. This is so bad." Lincoln said. "Maybe we can ask Lisa to erase that memory Clyde just saw."

"Does she have that?" Asked the female hellhound

"I think so. I can ask."

Rushing to the prodigy sister, Lincoln asked her about the kind of device used to help erase the last thing Clyde just saw. "Negatory." Said Lisa. "Remember the last time I used my mind eraser?"


"Figures. I used it on Lynn to forget about the most humiliating defeat in her life in a basketball game. But it accidentally erased... all of her memories, and turned her into a drooling vegetable."

"Oh yeah." Lincoln remembered. "It was like her brain was microwaved."

"That would be an understatement." Lisa admitted. "No, she was more like... a person who underwent a lobotomy in an insane asylum. I'll never forget all the silly sputtering and nonsensical noises after I accidentally wiped out her memories."

"Well, you did fox them." Lincoln pointed

"Yes. Although I got grounded from doing science for a whole two months."

"Look, I hate to interrupt this memory lane, but we still have to take care of this unconscious dork here." Loona pointed to Clyde.

"Oh my head." Clyde groaned. "What happened?"

He looked at Loona and screamed a few times. "Hey hey hey, relax. Relax." The hellhound tried calming him down. "If I was going to kill or eat you, you would be dead right now."

"right." Clyde realized. He pulled out his inhaler and began breathing in and out of it. "I felt like I saw something I shouldn't have seen."

"Duh, no shit, Sherlock." Loona sarcastically said. "What was your first clue?"

"Come on, Loona. He's my best friend. You wouldn't kill him, would you?"

"Lincoln, I am not a monster." Loona sounded annoyed. "Well, I am a monster but, I am not the evil kind of monster."

Looking a little uncertain, Clyde said: "Can someone just explain what is going on?"

"We could tell you, but we don't want to get Loona in trouble." Said Lana

"In trouble with who?" Clyde looked confused

"Clyde," Lincoln began talking, "can you please keep a secret? Loona is not evil. If she was, she wouldn't have saved me from those muggers before."

"Good point."

"You have to promise you will not tell anyone else." Lincoln said. "Do you promise?"

After looking at Loona with her arms crossed, Lincoln's best friend said: "I promise, buddy."

"I need you to Clincoln McCloud thumb promise." Lincoln pointed. He and his best friend clasped their thumbs to one another.

"I swear." They both said in unison.

"heh. Dorks." Loona scoffed.

"So come downstairs, buddy." Lincoln escorted him to the couch and Loona followed behind them. "So Clyde, Loona is a Hellhound and Hell is real."

His own best friend looked surprised. "Really?" He said.

"Yes, but it is not a place of eternal torment with fire and crying souls in pain." Loona said. "Most of that shit is mostly religious stereotypes from the Bible. Hell is pretty much like Earth... but not as good."

"Why didn't you tell me this, Lincoln?" Asked Clyde

"because it's part of Sacred law. Mortals are not really allowed to know about Hell." Lincoln looked nervous.

"Oh." Clyde realized that he did see something he should never have seen. "Well, if you want me to just forget about everything, I'll just find a way to get rid of that memory of finding out Loona is a hellhound. As long as Loona doesn't maul me to pieces"

"Pfft, come on. I'm not going to maul you to pieces." Then a smirk appeared on her face. "Although... I wonder what a kid would taste like." She unsheathed her claws, making Clyde scream.

"Loona!" Lincoln scolded her.

Laughing, Loona said: "calm down. I'm just kidding."

"Oh. Thank goodness." Clyde never sounded so relieved in his entire life.

"Look, kid," said the female hellhound, "if you do promise not to tell anyone about this, then you're alright."

"I swear on my mother's grave." The African-American boy promised.

"OK. Thank you."

It was silent and then Clyde said: "does anyone else know about this?"

"My sisters and mom and dad. But that's all." Lincoln clarified.

The air was quiet for exactly ten seconds, making the atmosphere a little awkward. "So... wanna see something cool?"

"What is it?" Asked Clyde

"Watch." The female hellhound pulled out a slab of metal and sliced it into four with her sharp claws with a metallic clang heard, making Clyde look so amazed.

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