Visitor Under The Porch

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That Stella looked like a nasty piece of work, but he has some enemies of his own, so he is probably used to this kind of drama, especially after what happened in Scotland. He decided it was best to stay out of her way as Stella mentioned that he should before walking off in a huff. He looked uncomfortable and wished he had never seen that met her in the first place. People like her are absolutely bad news. Yes, it was absolutely awkward for him to meet her, and she was a total Karen. If there was one thing a man absolutely hates, it would be a Karen. Loona looked concerned at Lincoln, and walked up to him to make sure he wasn't too mentally traumatized. "Are you ok, Lincoln?" she asked. "Can I... give you anything?"

"No, i'm fine Loona. I don't know what her problem is." Lincoln admitted.

"Never mind her, Lincoln." said Stolas. "Stella is a haughty (bleep), and it's always best to avoid her at all costs." he pulled out a chocolate bar from one of his cupboards. "here, would you like a KitKat? One of the best candy bars you can munch on."

"Ooh, sure." Lincoln said.

"My dad's a chocoholic." said octavia.

"I can't help it." said Stolas. "I mean, there is something about chocolate i love so much."

Octavia looked at Lincoln, feeling a little concerned about him as well. "Are you sure you're ok. I'm sorry about my mum."

"I'm fine, really. And don't worry about it. One of my sisters, Lola, is completely terrifying. When she gets angry, she can be really terrifying. Like wake up a sleeping bear from hibernation angry."

The others let out a small chuckle. "Well, you're not wrong." said Loona. "I mean, she needs a leash or a muzzle on her to keep her behaved."

"Or a shock collar." Lincoln joked. "She's even been in juvie a couple of times."

"You know what? Why am I not surprised?" said Loona. "She looks like the kind of girl that will end up in prison when she get older, like Lindsey Lohan. she looked at the royal figures before saying to them: "You guys should see his family and how they act."

"When I turn on my disguise when I come back up there," said Stolas, "I most certainly will keep that in mind."

"Well, it can't be as fucked up as my family." Octavia noted.

Poor Stolas let out a sigh, and said: "Look, Via, I know that most of our family is fucked up, but I am not one of those family members."

"I know, I know." said Octavia. "You're one of those dorky dad kind of parents."

"Dorky?" said Stolas. "I don't know if I would call myself a dorky dad."

"I would." Octavia flatly but plainly noted.

"Oh, it's just a word. But I love you and I would never let anything bad happen to you." said the Goetia prince. "And you know that, right?"

"Yes. I do."

Stolas smiled.

"So, i am still curious how you manage to survive a household with ten sisters." said Stolas. "I know it's not very powerful like my family, but still."

"You learn to get used to it." Lincoln rubbed the back of his head. "But sometimes, I need a vacation from them so they don't drive me crazy. I mean, if you lived in a house with ten sisters, you would understand."

"It cannot be as fucked up as my family."

"Well, I wouldn't say my family is... that." Lincoln admitted. "But i love them and they love me, and we always have to look out for each other."

"I wish my family was more like that. My father mostly cares about himself and having children so that our family can continue our royal legacy and remain in the upper crust. Well Lincoln, i like you a really good deal. We'll have to see each other again some time. We can hang out and have a drink together."

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