Grade On Lincoln's French Exam

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In school, Lincoln was still a little shaken from the whole Crimson thing, and couldn't get the image of Millie being brutally tortured with a hot iron out of his head.

But he remembered what Loona said before about her and Tex being tougher than the toughest nails at Home Depot.

Miss Dimartino was the substitute teacher again and she handed everyone their French tests that they took. "Well class," she announced. "Congratulations! Most of you managed to pass the test. All except for Chandler." Lincoln rolled his eyes at that name and looked over at the lazy, stuck-up child in the left corner of the classroom, slouching on his desk. "I'm afraid you get an F for not even trying hard enough."

"What? It's not my fault French is a stupid language."

Dimartino gave him and angry stare and placed one hand in front of his desk, startling him. "I will not have that said in my class again, young man. I can easily call your parents about your bad attitude."

Still looking frightened and surprised by this, Chandler made a gulp and said: "yes ma'am" in a meek voice.

Lincoln himself looked a little surprised by that, but remembered how dangerous nice people can be if provoked. Then Dimartino approached Lincoln with a confident and sweet smile on her face. "Lincoln, congratulations!" She sang beautifully. "You get an A plus."

Smiling in excitement, Lincoln looked proud at his test results and hugged it tightly to his chest. "Merci." He remarked to her.

"De rien." The beautiful Latina woman chuckled. "You must have worked so hard on this."

"I did. But I did have a friend help me with this since I was sick on the day of the test." Lincoln modestly stated.

"Well I am proud of you for doing so well in this test. And you know? I think I might as well do this." She bent down and gave him a tender kiss on his forehead in affection.

Lincoln's class went "oooh" teasingly, except Chandler (for obvious reasons).

"Of course, most of you did a very good job on this test. I am so proud of you all."

At home, Lincoln was happy to have received his test and even kissed the paper he received with his good grade. Watermelon, his new parakeet flew in and perched on his shoulder comfortably, happy to see his new owner.

"Hi Watermelon." Lincoln said. "Did you miss me?" The bird let out a few happy chirps in reply.

"Lincoln!" Said Luna, running up to her little brother. "I heard some scummy mob boss tried to kill you. Are you alright, dude?"

Nodding his head a yes, Lincoln replied: "I'm fine Luna. I'm more concerned about Tex and Millie."

"What happened to them?" Asked the rocker sister

Poor Lincoln didn't feel like talking about it since he couldn't get Millie brutally tortured out of his head or her screaming and wailing out of his mind either. Alas, he sat on the couch, and Luna sat with him. The boy told her about what had happened between him and Crimson, Moxxie's fucking bastard of a father.

The more he explained yesterday's situation, the more shocked and horrified Luna was to hear about it. "Aw, dude," said Luna. "That's fucking scary. Did that dirtbag hurt you?"

"Not so much. Just two slaps to the face." Lincoln admitted. "But my cheeks don't hurt so much."

"And what about Tex and Millie?" The rocker girl added

"Millie is going to be in the hospital for at least a week or two, or even three weeks after being tortured so much. Tex is very strong and Loona said that he suffered worse pain before."

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