Not So Bad Being A Hellhound After All

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Lucky Lincoln was still getting fawned over by Verosika and her friends. Blitzo was still feeling a little jealous of the kid getting all this attention (even though he still hates Verosika).

"Come on, guys," said Loona. "I think he's been through enough cuddling for one day."

"Sorry." Said Verosika flatly before putting the boy down. "I've just never seen a hellhound as adorable as this."

"Like I said before, I don't know if this is permanent or temporary for me." Lincoln said

"If you ask me," said Apple, "I hope it's permanent, because you are as soft as Verosika's blankets."

"And we can have you all day long." Said Coco.

"Guys, I told you, I am a person, not a piece of property." Lincoln started to sound a little annoyed by this. "And I'm lucky my sisters or friends are not here to see this."

"Sorry Lincoln." Said Kiki

"Yes, we just couldn't help ourselves." Verosika said. "But anyway, you wanna have a ride on my yacht again?"

"Well I'm gonna hang out with Loona for a day at the taxidermy museum. And... she asked me before you did so-"

"No, I get it, finders keepers." Said Verosika. "Another time maybe?"

"Yeah maybe." Lincoln nodded.

"Will you stupid succubitches and incubastards just get the fuck out of here before I blow your heads off!" Blitzo sounded impatient

"Just try it, big boy!" Ace said threateningly

"And I will have your head on a silver platter." Josh added

"Blitzo! Sit down." Vortex used his hand to place the imp back on the bench. "Please, don't make this any more ugly than it needs to."

"He can't help it." Said Verosika with a smug look. "It's a bad habit by now." Blitzo just growled and gave her the birdie in response.

"She's not exactly wrong," Moxxie muttered while rolling his eyes.

"What was that?" His boss looked at him, not looking amused.

"Nothing! Nothing."

"Perhaps we should have our orders to go." Said Verosika. "See you soon, Lincoln." She gave him a small kiss on his right cheek to show affection, making him blush. It was just then the food of the Succubus posse was called out and they exited the building with their items.

"I swear to Satan, I just want to take a knife and cut her tits to make melons." Blitzo snarled

"Whoa!" Loona said. "Not in front of the kid."

"I didn't need to hear that." Lincoln sounded surprised. "But it's Hell again."

"You should live in the gutter if you're gonna talk like that, sir." Millie scolded him.

"Oh, I can't cuss in front of children but it's ok if you go ax-crazy in your victims?"

"Yes, because I love my job." Millie pointed.

"I know Mills." Blitzo sighed, "I can always tell you love killing your victims like a rabid wolf."

"Was that comment really necessary?" Asked Loona.


They continued eating their food and when they were finished, Blitzo paid for the tab. The Taxidermy museum was rather unnerving but Lincoln just went along with it, for his friends' sake.

All of the specimens were stuffed taxidermy, but they look alive, even if they are not. Yet again, taxidermy can look like that in most cases (if done correctly).

"Quite the place, Isn't it, Lincoln?" said Loona

"I'll say." The kid made an uncomfortable smile to her. The worse part of this was, they weren't animals one would find on the surface. No, they were absolute monsters that were stuffed, most of them looking pretty terrifying.

Of course, there were some cute stuffed taxidermy as well, but most of it was rather unnerving.

Lincoln was right next to the big, burly male hellhound and he easily felt like an elf or a dwarf compared to this gentle giant. "Tex?"

He looked over the kid. "Yeah Lincoln?"

"How did you get a job being a pop star's bodyguard?"

"I was approached by her one day, and she just asked me if I would like to make some real money from my previous job." Tex flatly said

"And what job was it?" Asked Lincoln

"It's embarrassing." Tex admitted, "I was a bag boy at Sperms' farmer's market." He rubbed the back of his wolf head with a small chuckle.

"Wow, I didn't think you had a job like that. No offense." Loona said

Vortex let out another chuckle and said: "nah it's ok? Loona. We all gotta start somewhere, right?"


"So I took the job and it still has a slightly better pay than Sperms'."

"how long have you been her bouncer?" Lincoln added

"About three years. Nothing more than that. She doesn't pay me to kill Blitzo though."

"Yeah," Lincoln let out a small laugh. "You still don't smell durian, do you?"

"Nope. Not anymore." Tex smiled at him. "Though that was one of the nastiest things I have ever smelled in my entire life, I will say that."

"I know." Lincoln agreed. "It smelled like a skunk in a diaper pooping himself."

"Don't even say that, Lincoln." Loona said flatly. "It's making me nauseous just thinking about it."


"You know, Lincoln." Said Tex. "Since you turned into a hellhound, how would you like to join me and my girlfriends' parties?"


"Yes, they are so much fun and they are always a blast." Said Eclipse. "Pizza, drinks, heavy metal, dancing, other things. And Tex has good music taste to make everyone dance: Heavy metal music."

"Ah, Eclipse, you are making me blush." Tex said in flattery.

Loona was getting more jealous deep down, but she didn't want to make Tex unhappy. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Tex and his girlfriend frowned at her, "why not, Loona?" Asked Eclipse

"Well there were a lot of drunks idiots the last time I was there."

"Oh that happened a long time ago." Tex shrugged off.

"Thursday?" Loona raised her left eyebrow.

"...yes." Both Tex and Eclipse said in defeat.

"But come on." Said Tex. "He'll be fine. You'll be there, I'll be there, even Blitzo and the gang can come too."

"Lincoln?" said a female voice. The kid turned around and it was Octavia, looking surprised to see him like this.

"Hey Octavia." Lincoln said. Things were about to be a little awkward for him now.

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