Zeezi's Cool Pub

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It was rather dramatic for Lynn to be caught using illegal steroids to help win a game, and got so grounded after being caught. Not only that, but she is also going to be given a lie detector test by Lisa tomorrow morning to see if she was using it for games before this one.

On the upside, everyone (Minus Lynn since she is being punished) is having a nice burger party from the catering in the Burpin Burger

There were so many burgers, fries, chicken tenders and or nuggets to eat, that Loona invited some of and hellhound friends over to the celebration, including Tex, Johnny, and others. This time, Loona's had permission from Lincoln's parents this time. While there were some of Lynn's friends and teammates from her team, the hellhounds had to wear human disguises so the secret of Hell wouldn't be at stake.

"Glad you invited us over, guys." Said Tex before engulfing a whole burger down his throat. "Wish there would be more burger parties often."

"I know. And these fries are tasty." Said Esme.

"Where's Lynn?" Asked Margo, her best friend.

"She... was using steroids to help win the game." Said Lynn Sr.

"What?" Her teammates all exclaimed in shock.

"Again?" Said Margo. "I thought she promised us not to use steroids anymore."

"Apparently, Lynn has so much pride in herself to care sometimes." Rita narrowed her eyes. "You all know how competitive she can be."

"Touché." Said another one of her teammates.

"Yeah there is no one else more competitive than she is." A third teammate on her team pointed.

"So she's grounded for lying to me and Mr Loud." Rita pointed.

"That's right. She has to learn that winning isn't everything." said Lynn Sr.

"And it's a good thing I gave her this syringe of sleeping gas in liquid form, otherwise she would throw a fit." Said Lisa. "Diazepam to be exact."

"How long will she be out of it?" Asked Luna.

"At least until the morning." Lisa pointed. "And I already prepared the polygraph for her."

"Some people literally just never learn" said Lori

"Typical Lynn, dude." Said Luna

"So anything new going on, Lincon?" Asked Kressent.

"Same old stuff." The white-haired boy replied. "School, hanging out with friends, kid stuff.

"Cool." said Kressent

"Doing anything, or big plans?" Said Vlada

"I'm going to hang out at the Triassic Tavern tomorrow."

"Zeezi's place?" Said Crystal. "That's so cool! I didn't know you are friends with her."

"I guess I have a way of making friends." Lincoln modestly stated.

"Heh, I'll say." Loona smirked before drinking some cola. Deep down, she wished it was alcohol, but she knows that the parents of this household do not allow alcoholic beverages. So Loona decided to wait on getting booze until the party is over.

"You're very lucky to go to that kind of place, Lincoln." Said Crystal. "Are you like a guest of honor or something?"

"You can say that."

"Lucky you, Lincoln." Said Serena. "Lucky you. How did you guys meet?"

"one of her friends told her about me. Word of mouth kind of ordeal."

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