Stella's Reaction To Hellhound Lincoln

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Lincoln flustered and moved his eyes away from Octavia in embarrassment as she was looking at him in his new hellhound form. Octavia still looked quite surprised at seeing this kind of transformation her new friend had been through. "Lincoln?" said Octavia. "Is that you?

There was obviously no use hiding this from her, for his fur and tail was a dead giveaway, along with his floppy dog ears. "Yeah, it's me." Lincoln said

Octavia looked surprised and didn't quite know what to make of this, and she gently touched his new hellhound tail. "My Satan, you're a hellhound? You never specifically said you were a hellhound. Look at you." she herself couldn't help but gently stroke the back of Lincoln's head, feeling his soft, white fur.

At last, Lincoln said: "I'm not a Hellhound, i'm still a human. I transformed into this against my free will."

The Goetia princess looked rather confused. Before she can say anything yet, she was interrupted by her father, coming over to see her. "Ah, there you are Via, you have got to-" he paused to see his cronies (especially Blitzo). "Ah, hello my dear Blitzy." he purred

"Give me a fucking break." The imp crossed his arms, looking unamused.

"And who might this be?" asked the Goetia prince, noticing Lincoln, not recognizing his hellhound form.

"Dad, this is Lincoln." Octavia pointed.

Stolas chocked on his drink and spat it out of his mouth, onto an imp mother, much to her anger and annoyance. "Fuck, you snobbish Goetias are all the same! Fucktard!" then she walked away with her baby still in her arms, laughing at his mothers' misfortune. Octavia's father was also surprised to see what was going on. Lincoln a hellhound? Quite a big surprise to him as big as his daughters' reaction.

"Lincoln?" Stolas said. "So, you're a Hellhound all this time?"

"No. I transformed into one, unwillingly while i was asleep last night." Lincoln said. "I got Hellhound Fever."

Like Loona, Tex, and his family the first time, Stolas and Octavia were surprised to hear that. "That's impossible." Stolas said. "Only-"

"I know, I know, you thought only hellhounds can get hellhound fever, but, according to my sisters' machine, I have it, and i was feeling as sick as my family with the flu, but i became this the next day." he motioned his arms to reveal his body shape. "But humans can get hellhound fever too. I know it sounds crazy."

"Her sister is already looking for a cure to turn him back to normal." Loona said. "So it's nothing to worry about."

"Ah." Octavia remarked, understanding completely what was going on. "You look... rather adorable. Like a white puppy of some kind."

"You're not the only one to say that, Octavia." Lincoln said. "You wouldn't believe how many people have said that to me when they saw me like this." suddenly, he paused and crouched, scratching the back of his left ear with his left leg. "Oh that feels nice." Scratching and scratching, Lincoln finally stopped before getting back on his two legs. He frowned before admitting: "I hate this sickness."

"Come on, it's not so bad." Tex reassured him, gently patting his back. "You get used to it."

"Well, you guys have been hellhounds your whole lives." Lincoln flatly pointed.

"Fair enough, but maybe this is more like... a blessing." said Loona.

"Maybe." Lincoln sighed. "But I still have a life on Earth. School, my friends, other members of my family, everything. Clyde would probably freak out and have a severe asthma attack if he saw me like this. Not to mention the government might experiment on me. Tubes up my nose or probing my brain to get a DNA sample to discover my sickness, it would be way worse than what Lisa would-"

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