Trying On The New Outfit

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Lincoln was having a little bonding with Watermelon, the newest addition to the family. This bird was a real sweetheart and the best part of it was: Walt seemed to be hitting it off nicely with the African rose-ringed parakeet. This parakeet got on Lincoln's shoulder like he was a parrot that belonged to a pirate and made some cute noises as he was just looking around idly. Then the boy suddenly remembered that he needed to try on the white tuxedo that Stella gave him to try on. Looking through his drawers, he finally found it on top of his pajamas. He ironed the suit and slowly tried it on.

This tux was a little constricting, but it was something common for trying new clothes at times. Looking at himself in the mirror, he looked rather fancy in the tuxedo, and wondered if he can get a girl easily with this garb.

One problem was that; given how crazy and chaotic his household can get, he needed to make sure that this suit stays as clean as possible, otherwise Stella will go screaming banshee on him. But at least he can count on Stolas to help protect him from his evil, spiteful vulture of an ex-wife (and Loona to protect Lincoln as well since she can slice her way through any obstacle with her razor-sharp claws). Perhaps this suit can even get him into only the most classy and sophisticated of soirees that he can find.

"Hey Lincoln, can I borrow your-" Leni walked up to him. "Oooh, look at you. You look nice in that tuxedo." she began to admired the new look on him. "Where did you get that suit?"

"Stella, Stolas' ex-wife gave it to me."

"What's going on?" asked Lori, hearing the conversation. Like Leni, Lori herself was rather intrigued by that nice outfit.

"Oh boy." Lincoln was worried that his sisters would make fun of him for it since they are his sisters after all.

"Hey guys look at Lincoln's new tuxedo!" Lori called out.

The other girls came up to Lincoln to look at the new garb he is wearing. Poor Lincoln was prepared to assume the worst, for he was used to his sisters' teasing. Alas, that was one of the many curses for having ten siblings in one's life. The girls looked at his new garb in awe. "Well, you're looking spiffy, eh Stincoln?" said Lynn, giving him a hard punch on his right arm.

"Ow!" Lincoln said. "I hate it when you do that, Lynn."

"Dude, you look dashing. You're looking like a sharp dressed man in those duds. Every girl is crazy about those kind of dudes." Luna gently patted him on the back.

"Thanks." said Lincoln. "It feels a little itchy on me."

"Oh that's something to get used to." said Lola. "You look so handsome. Plan on going to a fancy party?"

"Or to someone's funeral?" said Lucy. The others looked at her usual morbid look. "What? It can be possible to wear that at a funeral service."

"More like disrespect the fallen." Lisa rolled her eyes.

"So where did you get that thing?" asked the tomboy twin

"Stella, Stolas' ex gave it to me."

"Oh yeah, the one you said screams like a mad vulture?" Lana remembered.

"Yes, but don't say that to her up close." Lincoln said. "She is not one you wanna make mad."

"Come on, do we look like we can make her mad?" asked Leni

Lincoln raised his right eyebrow, his face telling his sisters: "Oh come on, really?"

"What?" said Lori.

"If you asked me, she never gets out of bed Sunny sideup!" Luan joked before laughing. "Get it?" as usual, the others groaned at her puns. "What? What she needs is a vacation and do it by traveling egg-spress! Hahahaha!" she continued joking, which made everyone groan in irritation once more.

"But I cannot let her see any kind of stain, or she'll have a nervous breakdown. Probably skin me alive and put my head on the wall as a trophy."

"Oh come on, that's a worse-case scenario." said Luna.

"This is Hell we're talking about, guys." Lincoln said. "Anything can happen down there since there are mostly no laws." he looked at the floor. "Plus the Goetia family are very very rich people. And they might be rich enough to plead not guilty or pay the judge thousands of dollars to be not guilty for murder. Once you think about it, money can buy many things in the world, including power."

"Good point." Said Lisa. "But why is Stella even doing this for you?"

"She's basically trying to bring me and our family back to our former glory by being famous and royal like our Scottish ancestors were famous and loved.

"Ooh, can she make me a pretty queen dress?" Asked Lola

"I don't know." Said Lincoln. "But I don't know if I trust her. I feel like she is just using me for something. For why, I don't know."

"perhaps you should be careful with her if she is as evil as you say she is." Lisa said

"Yeah, I got that, Lisa." Lincoln rolled his eyes.

Hanging out with the IMP crew in Hell, they were just having a non-alcoholic drink at a gas station. "So you bought a parakeet?" Asked Moxxie to the white-haired boy.

"Yeah. Watermelon is a very sweet bird."

"Think you can handle a parakeet?" Asked Millie.

"if I can handle a big chaotic family in a loud household, I can definitely handle taking care of a cute parakeet. But I will never take money from Verosika if she asks me to kill you guys, I promise."

"We know you wouldn't take blood money." Loona said. "I might not have known you that long, Lincoln, but I know you're a nice nerd."

"I'm not a nerd!" Lincoln sounded offended. "I just think superheroes and space ships are so awesome."

"nerd." Loona sang as she took a sip of her drink. All it did was make Lincoln seethe. "Come on, I was just kidding Lincoln. I didn't mean to offend you. And... sorry if I did."

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