Weird Case Of A Hellish Sickness

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Something was really off about Lincoln, for he was not feeling quite himself. Not that he was losing his mind, but something in his body looked wrong somehow. His nose was all stuffy, his eyes looked yellowish green, and his skin looked a little yellow.

Lincoln began coughing a few times and sounded like he had phlegm in his lungs. Was he sick? He did sound like it and look like it.

He looked paler than a baby cow, and laid in bed. It was a school day today, but he didn't know if he should go because of how awful he felt or not. On one hand, he wouldn't have to deal with his crazy home room teacher, Mr. Bolhofner, but on the other hand; he wouldn't hang out with his friends.

"Lincoln, are you getting re-" Rita popped in his bedroom to check on her only son, but paused to see how under the weather he was. "Oh my goodness." said Rita, "Lincoln, you poor baby, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm f- hack! Hack! Hack!" Lincoln tried talking but he got a cough in himself.

"You sound sick, honey." Rita placed her hands on her chest. She then placed one of her hands on Lincoln's forehead to see if he had a fever, which he did, a very high one. "you're burning up!" Rita exclaimed. Lincoln sneezed in reply. Clearly he was not fit to go to school today. "I'm sorry, honey." said Rita, "but you are staying home today."p


"OK. And I'll be ok with staying home by myself."

"Actually, your father is off for a couple of days. There was a rat infestation, and his whole restaurant has been fumigated until the rats are dealt with."

"Oh. Cool. Can you just tell my teacher?"

"Of course, Lincoln." Rita did just that as she exited the room. It was just then Luna popped in the bedroom and checked on him.

"Hey Lincoln, what's going-" she was repulsed to see Lincoln looking very sick like this. "Whoa, you look terrible!" She realized that she shouldn't have said to. "Wait, I'm sorry, dude. I didn't mean to-"

"no, It's ok." Lincoln said before coughing again. "I know I look horrible... and feel horrible." He let out another sneeze from himself before going under the covers.

"You need anything?" Asked Luna

"Nah, just some bed rest."

"You sure, dude?"

"Yep." Lincoln remarked.


as soon as Luna left the room, Lincoln pulled out some comic books to read and his laptop to keep him occupied and not bored through the day staying in bed.

Who knows how long this could last? Maybe it can last just today, or tomorrow, or for more days. His sisters were already off to school and Lincoln was just watching some funny videos to pass the time.

an hour passed and he heard the door knocking. "Sport, I made you some of my world-famous chicken noodle soup for you!" Lynn Sr sang from the other side. Lincoln smiled as he sat up. "Bon appetit."

Lincoln took a spoon and blew on it to make it less hot since soup can be scorching. It tasted so good to his taste buds, and he was lucky to have a great chef as his father, for he makes the best kind of food Lincoln can ever eat upon. Whatever his father makes, it never disappoints his family (or their taste buds). "Yummy. Thanks dad."

"Anytime, Lincoln. If you need any more, just holler." Lynn Sr said.

"I will, and... i'm sorry about your rat problem at the restaurant."

"Ah, don't worry about it. It's a shame they can't be helpful and control me like a puppet with my hair so they can cook."

"That sounds funny, but useful." said Lincoln. "But you don't need a puppeteer. You're a great cook."

"Aw, thanks Lincoln." his father left the room and Lincoln was alone again. Without his comics and laptop, it would have been a boring day (despite taking naps of course). Colds are always unpredictable, especially in the flu season. He let out another sneeze before watching some more funny videos on his laptop.

He never felt so disgusting in his entire life. He has had bad colds before, but this? This was probably a whole new level of sick or under the weather.

After three hours of watching videos, Lincoln decided to take a nap to let the day go by faster. In his dreams, he was having dreams of god forsaking him from entering heaven when he dies, and is sentenced to hell.

While he was terrified at first, he thought of being with Loona, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and the other new friends he made down there in Hell to keep him company for the rest of eternity at least. So it wouldn't be eternal suffering after all.

Some hours passed and Lincoln was slowly being jabbed by some kind of claw. "Lincoln? Lincoln, you awake, dude?" He recognized it as the female hellhound herself.

He awoken and looked up. "Loona?" He yawned before sneezing.

"Oh my fucking god!" Said Blitzo' voice. "He looks like a dying horse."

"Blitzo!" Loona snarled. "Two words: not helping." She looked at Lincoln again, "You ok? You look really sick."

"It's just a cold. Achoo!" Lincoln said. "Not that I'm not happy to see you guys, but what are you doing here?"

"Well I just thought I would visit you and see if you wanted to hang out with me and Tex again, but I see that you are too sick. Sorry, Lincoln."

"No, these things just happen."

"How do you feel?" Asked Moxxie

"terrible. Like an alien parasite is taking over me. I don't know if it's a regular cold to be honest. But I don't wanna get you guys sick."

"Nah, don't worry about us." said Tex. "Human sicknesses or diseases don't affect us demons."

"Yeah we have nothing to worry about, honey bunch." Millie added.

"Coming through!" said Lisa, entering Lincoln's room with some kind of machine. "Here, elder brother. This device will determine the problem you are experiencing right now."

she placed a tube up Lincoln's mouth to get some DNA inside the scanner. "When did you become a doctor?" Asked Loona

"Oh I am still a child. And I have got in trouble with the police for trying to medically help someone. Irritating laws."

A beeping was heard and she looked at the machine, but looks on in disbelief after looking at the results. "Eureka! Sweet mother of discovery!"

"What is it? Hack hack hack!" Lincoln said

"It appears that you have the case of Canis Infernus Influenza. Street name: Hellhound Fever."

Lincoln could hardly believe what he was hearing.

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