Another Big Gig In Hell

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Seeing more of his sisters getting praise for their usual talents, Lincoln was slowly start to feel like a black sheep again, being in the large, black shadow of his own talented sisters. Sure, he realized how special he was in the family and how much his skills meant to the family as well from the whole Scotland adventure, but it made him insecure seeing his sisters get some praise while Lincoln doesn't get as much praise. Sure he had a trophy, but now he was starting to stick out like a sore thumb once again. It was almost like the sisters were forgetting how special he was from the Loch Loud adventure before. Yet again, fame can cloud people's minds with the glory and praise they received for their talents.

Similar to money and power, fame can bring out the worst of people after all. All the praise and glory can get to peoples' heads if they endure it long enough. playing some video games to try and not feel so left out, Lincoln heard the sisters come together in the dining room table

"So, are you guys ready for some pizza later? asked Luna. "i think this calls for a celebration." the other sisters shouted and cheered in agreement. "Nothing better than pizza in a pizza party! And we can get all of our friends over to Gus' Games N' Grub!" the sound of cheering from the other sisters continued in the dining room. Lincoln could, obviously, hear the commotion from the living room. Now he was feeling more insecure about himself and his existence than ever.

He turned off his Y-Box and sighed in a sad way before walking all the way upstairs to his room. After he closed his bedroom door, he laid on his side on the couch, facing the wall as he was pondering on about if he was needed in this family or not. Now he wished he had never turned down the offer that Angus gave him in the first place. Maybe that would have made things go much more smoothly for Lincoln and hus life in general.

The boy was quiet as he was gently pounding the mattress with his right hand like a ticking clock. Minutes passed and it was rather silent, except for the birds chriping outside of his house in the trees.

Suddenly, his bedroom door barged opened, and it was his sisters. "Lincoln, we got some good news!" Lana sang

"What news?" Lincoln asked flatly

"With all the stuff we literally got from our talents, we're going out to eat at Gus' Games N' Grub for pizza!" Lori sang.

"Oh. What a pleasant surprise." Lincoln did not cheer, and he sounded monotonous. He didn't sound like he was very thrilled at all when he responded. "Good on you guys." he added. The sisters looked at one another, feeling awkward from their brother's unenthusiastic response.

"You Ok, Stincoln?" asked Lynn.

"Yes." Lincoln flatly said. "I'm just fine." then he let out another sigh. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You don't sound very happy." said Leni

"Gasp," Lucy suddenly made a smile on her face. "Are you finally ready to become goth? This is a nightmare come true! I'll go get the black mascara for you, Lincoln."

"No, no, no." Lincoln stopped her. "I'm not turning goth.

"Oh. Sigh." said Lucy, sounding bummed.

"Come on, Lincoln," said Leni. "What's the matter?

Lily climbed up on Lincoln's bed and came on top of her big brother. "Winkoln." said the baby sister, gently putting a hand on his face. The boy was still looking unfazed by all that was going on around him.

"Yeah, just tell us. I've heard of getting up on the wrong side of the bed, but this is ridiculous."

"Not a good time, Luan." Lola sang in an irritated voice.

"Please little bro, tell us what is bothering you."

"Nothing." Lincoln got up as he was gently picking up Lily, holding her in his arms. "Really, nothing. I just feel a little... out of energy right now."

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