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Not that he loved all the condemned evil souls trapped down here, but Lincoln wanted to see the water park and other fun things that were set up down here in Hell. He, Loona, Stolas, and Octavia were looking at the city below on the tallest balcony of the castle. There were the faint sounds of cars in the street, and then there was a faint sound of a shotgun blasting below, making Lincoln uncomfortable with a gulp. "I know, it's scary sometimes, but you just need to watch your step and watch who you're talking to." said Loona. "Always best to come to some places in Hell with me than alone."

"It is certainly not safe to be down there alone, especially when night falls." said Stolas.

"But wait, if you have that Medusa vision," said Lincoln "why do you still have a bodyguard with you to keep you company?"

Stolas blushed and looked rather embarrassed. "Because I just love the company of Blitzy." Octavia groaned at this in disgust and facepalmed herself at the reason. "What? I met that charming imp when he was only a boy."

"Really?" said Lincoln

"Yeah, they met when they were kids." Loona sang. "It was a mistake for Blitzo to do anyway."

"Come on, Blitzo was the only friend I ever made in my life... besides my plants of course."

"You're plants?" said Lincoln. "Speaking of the devil, something was sniffing his back, and investigating what he was. Lincoln was a little startled to see this monstrous plant sniffing him like a curious pig. "Whoa!" he exclaimed.

"Hey hey hey! Alexander, no! I told you no invading one's personal space." Stolas reprimanded it like a dog. The plant licked its lips at Lincoln, and looked at Stolas after. "No, you cannot eat him. This child is not a treat, he is our guest." The plant pouted and went back inside the house. "Sorry about that, Lincoln. My plants eat so much."

"Why don't you feed them again?"

"Because I don't want to spoil them." Stolas replied. "They'll think they can eat whatever they want if I just let them eat whenever time I feed them. No, i have to do that on a schedule every day."


"Stolas!" said a screeching voice. "I want to return that fucking wedding picture of us to-" there was a female owl demon in a white dress and with white feathers. "And what is a mangy, rabid dog doing in our home?"

"Our!? No, it's not our home anymore, Stella." said Stolas. "I'm divorcing you, so i demand to know what you are doing here."

"Honestly, bringing in a hellhound into this place? Granted, they are not as low as imps, but they are still low." said the female owl demon. Then she looked at the human boy, who was immediately scared of her, and she was probably worse than Lola. "And who is this human boy?" she then picked him up by his left arm, and inspected him with a flare as if she was sniffing out cocaine or heroin that was hidden in the place. "Granted, I know we Goetias teach humans many things, but one down here in Hell... still alive?"

Lincoln gulped in fear, feeling scared of what she might do to him. "Excuse me, your highness."

"Have you anything to say?" Said Stella.

"Please. It... wasn't my idea to come here admittedly."

"Oh, and I supposed Stolas here is sleeping with humans and hellhounds now, hmm?" Stella asked

"What? No! It's not like that. I just met him, and I'm only eleven." Lincoln said.

"Haven't you ever heard of Megans' Law before, Little one?" Said The female owl demon.

"Uhhhh no." Lincoln remarked.

"I am no molester, Stella." Said Stolas.

"You better put him down!" Said Loona, "or I am going to take out your-"

"Oh shut the fuck up, Bitch!" Said Stella. "No one's talking to a peasant like you."

"I'll show you a peasant." She tried attacking her, only to be stopped by Stolas and Octavia holding her back.

"Typical hellhound." Stella rolled her eyes before looking back at Lincoln. "Just look at you. A boy with white hair? You have an aging disorder?"

"No! I'm getting tired of telling people about my white hair now."

"Good, because I really don't care." The female owl demon noted. "What are you even doing here? You don't look worthy to set foot in this palace."

"I think we're getting off on the wrong foot." Said Lincoln. "Stolas invited me here, and I am a human from Earth. And I don't want any trouble. You're hair, oh my gosh, you look good with those shades." He tried sweet-talking to her so he wouldn't have to risk angering her. "As a matter of fact: this is not even real." He made ghostly noises while moving his hands. "Yeeeees, this is all just dream."

"Silence!" Stella exclaimed. She was clearly not amused by this. "You think I was born yesterday?! Do you!?"

"No! No! And... you're one of the most beautiful women in existence."

You're quite the cheeky one, aren't you?"

"Well I do know good comebacks from my sister who's a comic.

"You being friends with my daughter?" Stella asked. "Why would I even let that happen? I mean, look at you. These oversized buck teeth. Your lanky physique. And your rather unusual taste in clothes."

She then put him down. "Look, I don't want any trouble." Said Lincoln. "I can just come back another time."

"No, Lincoln it's alright." Said Stolas. "Stella, you said you wanted to return something to me?"

"I did, our wedding picture. I want you to fucking burn it!"

"Don't mind if I do!" Stolas retorted. "I waited my whole life for this."

Stella rolled her eyes and looked at Lincoln again. "Look, I don't want to be a part of this. I'm staying out of this one."

"Well it is his fault, young one." Said Stella, pointing her right finger at her former husband. "And, I honestly don't think you would be a good candidate to be friends with my daughter."

"But she's lonely."

"Well life isn't fair."

"Mum," said Octavia. "Please, don't hurt Lincoln. I just met him"

"Very well. But, I suggest you stay out of my way, boy." Stella glared at the kid again before looking at Loona. "And you, bitch. If you ever try to attack me again, I'll lock you up in a puppy mill." She then strode off in a huff.

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