Concert Getting Better

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It was a total blast hanging out with Guns N' Roses, one of the greatest bands in the whole world. Axl Rose was way more mellow than he was in his younger days when he... was not sober.

What was even better was that: everyone loved Lincoln's beautiful singing voice, and the boy even did a few small duets with Axl himself.

there was still half an hour left before show time, and Lincoln, Luna, and their friends were still having a good time with the group. Loona herself was having a blast and she usually has a bad attitude most of the time. But she is a fan of Guns N' Roses too, and she couldn't ask for an even more fun, good time. "How did you get a fucking awesome voice, Lincoln?" Said Slash

"I guess... I was just born with it." Lincoln said

"You know, baby bro?" Said Luna, "maybe we should start a group together. You can even be the new lead singer for the Moon Goats.

"That's not a bad idea." Said Vortex, gently giving Lincoln a few pats on the back. "Your sisters' guitar shredding skills, your angel voice. Come on Lincoln, you two would be like a second Tenacious D."

"Right, Lincoln can be like Jack Black and Luna can be like Kyle Gass." Said Sam

"Well, I don't know if I would compare us to Tenacious D, but it would be more Rocky and metal." said Luna.

"I like the sound of that already." said Crystal

"But wouldn't there be too many members of the Moon Goats?" Asked Lincoln

"Well back in the early 2000s," said Axl, "the band have around three guitarists and two bass players instead of just one lead guitarist and one rhythm guitarist."

"Good point." Said Stella.

"You know, how would you guys like to hang out with us some more one of these days?" Said Richard. "You all seem pretty cool."

"very awesome people we love to hang out with." said Frank."

"And honestly, Lincoln, you look so adorable." Melissa pointed. "I couldn't help saying, but I think you look so cute." Right next to the white-haired boy, Loona smirked, seeing how Lincoln was getting more girls in his life.

"So when's your first date with her?" she couldn't help but joke to her human friend. Everyone laughed at what Loona said, including Melissa.

"Loona! you know i'm too young for her."

"I'm just kidding with you, kid." the disguised hellhound patted his head.

"Maybe if he was older, than i would totally go on a date with him." Melissa remarked, making Lincoln blushed even further on his round face. Still, Lincoln was having a good time as much as everyone else was.

"So here's our phone numbers if you ever want to talk to us." said Duff. "When we're not performing of course."

"And feel free to talk to us any time you wanna talk to us, guys." said Slash as he began writing down his phone number on some sticky notes of paper. Everyone else in the band followed suit after Slash. "Keep them in a safe place, you guys. Do not lose them." said the top-hat wearing guitarist.

"Don't you worry, Slash." said the rocker girl, "we'll keep these babies in a safe place like art in a museum."

"We'll make sure we never lose these." said Lincoln before putting it in his pocket. "So when you guys write songs, what usually comes first: the music or the lyrics?"

"Good question." said Slash. "At many songs, the music comes first, and at some other songs, the lyrics come first."

"I wrote them all." Axl joked, making everyone burst into laughter. "But yeah, it varies sometimes. But most times, it's the music that comes first."

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