Sexy Lady Coming In the Bar

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Lincoln really loved his root beer and (though she wasn't one to show her emotions) Loona was happy to see Lincoln happy.

"How do you like your drink, kid?"

"I love it. I really love it." They we're walking down a couple of streets in Hell and Lincoln noticed two large beefy demons that looked like two large cyclopses over what appeared to be some money. "Whoa, hate to get in the middle of that kind of fight."

Loona made a chuckle. "Don't worry, just stay with me and you won't get hurt."

"Got it."

"So I feel like getting a beer."

"But I'm too young to go to a bar."

"Many laws on Earth don't really apply down here in Hell."

"True." Lincoln realized.

"Besides, I'm not going to make you drink anything. It will just be getting one drink for me then we'll head out."

"Ok then."

Setting foot inside the bar, there were many kinds of demons that looked rather scary. Many of them stared at Loona for her sexy looks, and others stared at Lincoln for being possibly the only human down here.

"Ignore those guys," Loona said. "Don't let them get to you."

The boy nodded and walked with Loona to the bartender. "Ah, what can I get for ya, hot legs," said the bartender in a Brooklyn accent.

Loona growled and grabbed the rude man by the throat, suffocating him. "Never call me that, fucktard!" She growled in his face. "Or i will gouge your eyes out and and make you cry like a bitchy baby." The bartender looked scared and he gulped as he was intimidated.

"Ok. I'm sorry." He said.

"You better." She let go of his throat.

"So... what kind of drink?"

"Finest beer you have, straight up."

"Got it." He went to his beer station and got Loona a glass of cold beer as she wanted before looking at Lincoln. "Long way from home, kid?"

"Well, I'm not lost." Lincoln replied in a modest voice. "I'm with her."

"Heh, lucky kid you are. Hanging out with the ladies." The bartender teased him.

"It's not like that. Loona is a friend of mine."

"Sure she is." The demon looked smug.

"Watch it, dumbass." Loona gave him a scary glare to show how scary she can be.

"Sorry. Sorry. Enjoy your drink, madame."

"Whatever." Loona rolled her eyes as she took the first two sips of her beer. She felt something in her stomach and cleaned her belly. "Uh-oh. I have to take a shit. Lincoln, will you be ok out here for a few minutes?"

"I will. Just don't be long."

"I won't, it will be for a few minutes." Loona reassured him. "And try not to talk to anyone else. Ok?"

"Got it." Lincoln waited out side the bathroom door so he would feel safer in this bar. After all, a majority of these bar patrons look like they want to kill someone without question.

Alas, the boy needed to be strong and not be so intimidated. These goons can probably smell fear. Almost thirty seconds passed and there came a very beautiful demon with pink skin who was a female with two horns on her head.

She looked like one of the most beautiful girls Lincoln had ever seen and she had long wavy pale pink hair and a pink fur coat that almost matched her head.

Under her fur coat was a white dress with a circle over one breast, and an X over another breast. She also had black thigh-high boots and a long tail with the tip of it shaped like a heart.

She was accompanied by other beautiful girl demons and handsome guy demons with her and wondered who they were.

Many of the demons in here recognized the leader of the group and one of them shouted: "Verosika Mayday!"

Lincoln recognized that game immediately and thought that she would really turn him into a donkey the thing she would see him if she really hated children as Blitzo said she does.

"Oh crap." Lincoln said to himself before knocking on the bathroom door. "Loona, help!" He said

"What's wrong?"

"Verosika just came in here."

"What?" Loona said.

"She just came in here. What am I going to do?"

"Don't worry, I'm coming out. I'll get you out of there."

"Ok." Lincoln sounded worried as some demons were crowding around Verosika to possibly get an autograph from her.

About ten more seconds passed and Lincoln saw Loona come out of the bathroom, looking at the direction of the pop star demon was standing at.

"Hey, hey, hey, you fucking perverts." She said in a mildly silky voice. "I'm a person too. Give me some space.

"What am I going to do?"

"Follow me." Said Loona. There was a back door and Loona made a break for it with Lincoln following behind her, desperately not wanting to meet Verosika at all.

Suddenly, he tripped on the floor and rolled into a pile of bottles. Luckily, it didn't cut or hurt him, but he carefully got back up so he wouldn't have to touch any glass on the floor.

Verosika and her friends heard the crash unfortunately and looked to where it was coming from, and they found a dizzy Lincoln as he was regaining the composure in his poor head.

Gasping at seeing an adorable human boy, Verosika said: "Oh, look at this cute little boy. I mean, he has that cute baby face."

"What?" Lincoln said as he looked at where Berosika was at and gave out a scream, confusing her and her friends. "Let's get out of here, Loona!"

Then the female hellhound opened the back door and grabbed Lincoln since she had faster speed than the boy had.

"Was he with that slut of a daughter of your ex?" Said Apple.

"She does look familiar. Come on, I want to get to know him." Said Verosika

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